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Game Checkout Program: Chess

Learn about the Holland & Terrell Libraries' game checkout program, including circulation policies and our collection of games!


Red and white chess board and game pieces.Chess is a two player strategy board game.  Each player has 16 pieces, including the king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks, and pawns, that have different levels of ability to move throughout the game board.  The objective of the game is for a player to capture the opposing player's king.  This is done by either capturing the king or making game moves that prevent the opposing player from moving the king and avoiding capture.

Chess in Search It

Rules of Play

Game Facts

Number of players

  • 2

Average playing time

  • 60 minutes
WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us