Databases |
PubMed |
CAB Abstracts |
Web of Science |
General Subject Coverage |
Human medicine |
All animal and plant sciences |
Interdisciplinary science |
Veterinary journal coverage |
More than 100 veterinary journals, but many with coverage for only recent years. |
Hundreds of U.S. and international veterinary journals, complete indexing for most years. |
More than 100 veterinary journals with varying years of coverage.
Coverage Years |
1940's- present |
1931- present |
1980- present for Core Collection, Open to all databases to incorporate older materials from Zoological Record and BIOSIS |
Coverage – Format |
Journal articles only |
Book chapters, books, conference papers and proceedings, and trade journals |
Some conference papers, abstracts, etc. |
Updates |
Daily |
Weekly |
Weekly |
Currency- indexing |
Daily to 2 months (est) |
1-2 mos. est. |
? but current |
Indexing |
Structured medical subject headings (MeSH) except most recent records |
Subject headings (descriptors) are limited/general Mapping from British to American spelling seems reliable. |
Minimal indexing beyond title and abstract. Use synonyms. |
Searching Tips |
Best at limiting to type of study. |
Geographic limiter helpful for drilling down to smaller geographic locations. |
Use parenthesis for phrase searching. Citation searching is a special feature and can be very useful. Limits for funding agencies and organizations. |
The following techniques may be helpful; though be aware that they turn off Automatic Term Mapping in PubMed: