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Veterinary Medicine

This guide links to library-provided and open access resources important to veterinary students, faculty, administrators, clinical staff and researchers.

WSU Databases

Comparison of Veterinary Databases

Comparison of Three Major Databases for Searching Veterinary Topics



CAB Abstracts

Web of Science

General Subject Coverage

Human medicine

All animal and plant sciences

Interdisciplinary science

Veterinary journal coverage

More than 100  veterinary journals, but many with coverage for only recent years.

Hundreds of U.S. and international veterinary journals, complete indexing for most years.

More than 100 veterinary journals with varying years of coverage.


Coverage Years

1940's- present

1931- present

1980- present for Core Collection, Open to all databases to incorporate older materials from Zoological Record and BIOSIS

Coverage – Format

Journal articles only

Book chapters, books, conference papers and proceedings, and trade journals

Some conference papers, abstracts, etc.





Currency- indexing

Daily to 2 months (est)

1-2 mos. est.

? but current


Structured medical subject headings (MeSH) except most recent records

Subject headings (descriptors) are limited/general

Mapping from British to American spelling seems reliable.

Minimal indexing beyond title and abstract. Use synonyms.

Searching Tips


Best at limiting to type of study.

Geographic limiter helpful for drilling down to smaller geographic locations.

Use parenthesis for phrase searching.

Citation searching is a special feature and can be very useful.

Limits for funding agencies and organizations.

Search Tips

The following techniques may be helpful; though be aware that they turn off Automatic Term Mapping in PubMed:

  • Use truncation to broaden your search, e.g. anesth* = anesthesia, anesthetic, anesthetized     
  • If searching for an exact title try phrase searching with quotation marks
  • Boolean AND, OR, NOT for:
    • disease name OR causative agent, common name OR medical term
    • singular and plural forms for animals, e.g. cat OR cats OR feline; dog OR dogs OR canine. Beware of truncating some animal names, e.g. cat* can result in catalase, catalyst, CAT scan, etc.
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