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Library Resources for Nursing

Welcome to the WSU Health Sciences Library! You can use library resources for finding information to support your education in your classwork, finding scholarly information, and accessing clinical point-of-care resources. 

You can access many of the library's resources remotely. Print materials are held in either the WSU Health Sciences Library, or in one of the other WSU libraries. Wherever materials are, if they're circulating (allowed to be checked-out of the library), you can request to have them sent to your campus for easy pick-up. Nearly all online resources are available from off-campus. Use the links provided on the WSU Health Sciences Library website or within this guide to access our subscription databases, ebooks, and more; they will prompt you to log-in with your WSU NetID and password. If you are accessing the library's resources from a clinical site (such as a hospital), you may need to use the VPN to bypass stringent firewalls that may prevent use of our proxy links. Please email the library with any access questions or concerns.

Find out how to use many of the resources listed in this guide:

Find WSU Health Sciences Resources

Search Entire WSU Library Collection

To search for a known title try placing it in quotation marks.To search for books on a topic, narrow results after you search by date and Type>ebooks and Availability>WSU Online Resources if you want immediate online access to the highest quality and most current ebooks.To search for articles use a research database.

Article/Journal Databases


Take a look at the many databases below, which are focused on the health sciences generally or nursing specifically. Databases are searchable collections of information, including academic journals, articles, and other published materials.

Point of Care Resources

Point of care resources are designed to be used in clinical practice to assist the practitioner in quickly accessing evidence based information, recommendations based on current literature, and guidelines. 

Educational Resources

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us