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Library Tutorials: Health Sciences

A collection of tutorials and resources for getting the most out of the Spokane Health Sciences Library


If the materials that you are looking for are not available in the WSU Libraries collection, then you can use the interlibrary loan (ILL) service to obtain those materials from another institution. This tutorial will show you how to set up your Illiad account and request materials through the ILL service.

You can find more information about ILL here:

Screenshots | Video

Using Interlibrary Loan

Create an ILLiad Account

In order to use the ILL service, you must first create an ILLiad account. Go to the Spokane Academic Library homepage and select "Interlibrary Loan" under Library Services.

screenshot of Spokane Academic Library home with arrow pointing to Interlibrary Loan link

Create an ILLiad Account

Under the login box, select "First Time Users".

screenshot of ILLiad login page with arrow pointing to "First Time Users" link

Create an ILLiad Account

Scroll to the bottom of this page and select "First Time Users Click Here".

screenshot of ILLiad login page with arrow pointing to "First Time Users Click Here" link

Create an ILLiad Account

Complete the form. When entering your WSU ID number in the third field, be sure to include a zero in front of your ID number, so you have a total of 9 digits in that field.

When you are done, select "Submit Information" at the bottom of the form.

screenshot of ILLiad create account page with arrow pointing to "Submit Information" link

Using ILL

To use ILL to request materials, simply select "Request through Interlibrary Loan - Spokane" under Access Options for that item in the SearchIT catalog.

screenshot of Search It article with arrow pointing to "Request through InterLibrary Loan - Spokane" link

Using ILL

Log in to your ILLiad account.

screenshot of ILLiad login with credentials filled in

Using ILL

The information necessary to retrieve the item should auto-populate the form, so all you need to do is select "Submit Request" at the bottom of the form.

screenshot of ILLiad item request page

Using ILL

For digital items, such as an article PDF, you will receive an email stating that your item is ready for retrieval. Click the link in your email, which will take you to your ILLIad account page. On the left side under View, select "My Electronically Received Articles". Select "View" to view your item.

For physical materials, you will receive an email when they are available for pick-up.

screenshot of ILLiad home with arrow pointing to "My Electronically Received Articles" link

Video Tutorial

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us