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Library Tutorials: Health Sciences

A collection of tutorials and resources for getting the most out of the Spokane Health Sciences Library

Interlibrary Loan

You may find that we do not have immediate access to the material you're trying to use. In this case, we can often borrow the material from another library. To do so, search for the item in Search It. Then, click into the record of the item and see Access Options. If we do not have access to it, click "Get it for me" and select "Request Item." This will allow you to request the book or article, whether we simply don't own it or if it's currently checked out. 

What is Summit?

Summit is the consortium of Pacific Northwest academic libraries that allows us to get quick and easy access to regional library collections. Summit items are easily requested within Search It, and are delivered to campus through the regional courier service. 

What is interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary loan is a general term for using your library to access materials from other libraries. This is used to describe materials borrowed from other consortium libraries (i.e. Summit), but also requesting books or PDFs of articles from libraries around the world.

Do I need to buy articles online if we don't have them?

No, you should never need to purchase an article. Request it through our library. If there is no record of the item in Search It, click "Interlibrary Loan form" at the top of the Search It page to fill out a form manually.

Can I get my textbooks through the library or interlibrary loan?

Occasionally you can get access to your required textbooks through the library. However, please note that many libraries do not acquire textbooks, and those that do are likely to have these current materials limited to in-library use for their patrons. Similarly, many required textbooks on this campus are shelved in Reference for you to use while you're in the library (but not check out).

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us