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Library Resources for Medicine: Home

This guide links to eBooks used in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine organized by subject.

Search Entire WSU Library Collection

To search for a known title try placing it in quotation marks.To search for books on a topic, narrow results after you search by date and Type>ebooks and Availability>WSU Online Resources if you want immediate online access to the highest quality and most current ebooks.To search for articles use a research database.

Library Access

Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine logoRemote Access

For 24/7 remote access to library subscription electronic resources using your WSU Network ID and password try one of the following:

  1. Login to the library catalog SearchIT through Okta.
  2. Use Open Athens links to "login through your institution" from publisher sites. 
  3. Configure Google Scholar for WSU under Settings>Library Links>Washington State University
  4. Download LibKey Nomad on your laptop or desktop to enable full text access from a web browser.
  5. For iPads, or for access on any device to journals not enabled for Open Athens, install and use the proxy bookmarklet. Apple iPad or Mac users will need to edit the URL to read:  javascript:void(location.href=%22
  6. Use WSU Global Protect VPN

Physical Library Access

The Health Sciences Library is located in the Student Academic Center building on the second and third floors. Spokane students and faculty may access the library 24/7 with their CougarCard. Study rooms are available on the Health Sciences Library third floor for small groups.


Profile Photo
Suzanne Fricke
WSU Spokane Health Sciences Library SAC 211C

Library and Research Assistance

IT Assistance

The College of Medicine Office of Technology subscribes to Medical Education Applications listed below that are NOT available through the library. To access these use the Student or Faculty guide links from Office of Technology>Our Technology.

  • Complete Anatomy
  • Anki
  • Amboss (Thieme) + NEJM Knowledge+
  • Articulate Rise 360
  • Aquifer
  • Explain Everything
  • Kahoot!
  • Osmosis
  • PACS
  • Radiology-Teaches
  • Simcapture Video (formerly B-line) 
  • Sketchy Medical
  • WISE-MD, WISE On-Call

Additional College of Medicine faculty developed resources are found on the Medicine Digital Learning Site

There are several ways to contact IT:

Other Medicine Guides and Tutorials

Research Databases/Find Studies

Systematic Reviews

Synopses of Studies


Point of Care

Point of Care tools are comprehensive continuously updated topical summaries with drug decision support and risk calculators. Evidence is linked from multiple publishers and ranked using GRADE standards. 

If you encounter the following UpToDate page after logging in through WSU READ THE FINE PRINT. You do not need to register for an account to start using UpToDate - simply start searching using the search bar. You will want to set up a (or login to an existing) third party account here if you want to claim CE or use the mobile app.

UpToDate personal account login


EBook Platforms (see ebooks by subject under tabs above)

Mapping Tool



Test Prep

Patient Education

Text to Speech Embedded in Platform

Additional platforms should be compatible with html screen readers or PDF readers. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about a platform.

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us