When making decisions about how to share your data, be aware that intellectual property and ownership of these materials can be complex. You will want to determine whether you, the university, or a funder owns the data produced in the course of research. You may, therefore, wish to consult the following in addition to your department's or college's policies:
After you have established ownership over your data, you may wish to next consider how to share it with others. Should you wish to share your data widely, it is recommended that you use a license to indicate how the data can be used. The following resources may help you as you consider:
Increasingly, the academic community regards datasets as significant, standalone pieces of scholarly work. As a result, it is recommended that you cite datasets as you would books or articles.
For more information, you might consult DataCite or the UK's Digital Curation Centre or ICPSR's guidelines for citing data. At minimum, you should include the following in your citation:
Many researchers share the same name, while others have different names during their careers or different variations of the same name. As a result of these ambiguities, you may find that your research data loses some visibility, since it is more difficult to link it to your other research.
ORCID--Open Researcher and Contributor ID--provides one solution to this problem by assigning a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and by supporting automated linkages between you and your professional activities. You can sign up for an ORCID by visiting the ORCID registration page.