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Data Management Plans

This guide provides resources to assist WSU faculty members and students who are creating strategies for storing, describing, and providing access to their research data.

What Is a Data Management Plan?

A data management plan is a statement on how you will handle your research data during your research project and after. Many funders require data management plans to be submitted with funding requests. Beyond funding agency requirements, the creation of an effective data management plan will help you to preserve data for your own use and to share your findings with colleagues.

WSU Resources

Contact Us

The WSU Libraries can provide assistance to faculty members who must create data management plans. Please take a look at this guide and contact the WSU Libraries ( or the Office of Research if you have any questions or would like further assistance.

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us