You do not need to set up a personal account with Ebook Central to save or print chapters or sections of a book. However, make sure that you are logged in through your WSU ID (you should be prompted to do this after you select Ebook Central from the list of library databases).
To download an entire book for offline reading, you must checkout the book. To do this, you must download Adobe Digital Editions and create an account through this site. For more information on how to do this, please see our library guide on this subject.
To set up a personal account (From EBSCO Help):
Click the Sign In in the top toolbar of the screen.
From the Sign In Screen, click the Create a new Account link.
The Create a New Account Screen appears with Personal Account entered in the Account Type field. Fill in the fields on the Create a New Account Screen. When you have completed the fields, click Save Changes.
When you create a new My EBSCOhost folder account, or are updating the existing password for your account, you are required to create a strong password.
As you begin to enter a new value into the password field, the strength indicator will reflect how strong your password is using both color and strength value (red=weak vs. green=strong).
When your password meets the requirements, the indicator displays that your password is strong and you can retype the password in the next field to confirm it.
If all the information was accepted, a message appears that provides your user name and password. Click OK. You will be automatically logged in as a personal user. You should note the user name and password you created so you can log in at a future session.