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Political Science 503

Journal and Databases - Proposed Cancellations!

Cancellations-2023 – WSU Libraries

8/30/23  Please review the link above - due to inflationary price increases, the Libraries need to cancel $250,000 in journal and database subscriptions. The link above will take you to a website where you can download the spreadsheet (lease also open the second tab that is labeled “TCLIndices” – this is the list of article discovery databases that have been targeted for cancellation). Please review the spreadsheets and give us some feedback - what databases and journals are essential to your research and scholarship?  Comments (there is a feedback form on that page) must be received by September 8th.



Political Science @ the WSU Libraries

Helpful Links

Fall 2024 Update: New/Newish Helpful WSU Libraries Resources and Services

JSTOR  - we have continuing access to ALL of JSTOR's journal content (including the Security Studies and Sustainability thematic collections)! This was originally set to end in June 2023, but has been extended as a permanent subscription. 

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WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us