If you need assistance, please use the "Schedule Appointment" link under my photo on the left side of this guide. You can also email me directly at oenglish@wsu.edu. -Lorena
- Free and expanded electronic access for temporary online teaching and learning. During the current period causing library closures, many publishers and library vendors are allowing special access to research databases and materials. Note that some of these will be invisible because they will be added to something we already have, like SAGE Research Methods or JSTOR.
- Relevant highlights (although be sure to check the list for yourself!!): Publication Manual of the APA (6th and the new 7th editions); Paratext U.S. Documents MasterFile.
U.S. Government Coronavirus Resource Guide - from the Library of Congress. Includes relevant legislation, congressional action, presidential action, agency action, state government action, CRS reports, international reports,and more.