The Washington State Constitution describes the 3 branches of Washington state government, Legislative (Article II), Executive (Article III), and Judicial (Article IV). The Office of Financial Management (OFM) provides an organization chart.
Washington State Facts--brush up on the history of the state, get facts about the economy, and view climate, geography, and population information
Search state and local government documents through the WSU Libraries Catalog, Search It, to find state documents in paper copy. Documents received since 1990 are assigned a Library of Congress call number and shelved with non-documents. Previous to 1990 the Jackson classification was used for non-federal documents. Jackson collections are in the Owen Science and Engineering Library, 3rd floor, and the Holland and Terrell Libraries, 3rd floor.
State and local documents can also be found in electronic format by using library catalog links, by using the links in this guide, and by searching the Internet directly for Washington State and local publications.
".... As defined in Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 40.06.010 (4) "State publication" means information published by state agencies, regardless of format, intended for distribution to state government or the public. Examples may include annual, biennial, and special reports required by law, state agency newsletters, periodicals, and magazines, and other informational material intended for general dissemination to state agencies, the public, or the legislature." --Washington State Library web page on state publications
The Washington State Library Catalog includes state publications back to 1889.
The WSU Libraries is a member of the Washington State Depository System (see below for more information about the state depository system).
The WSU Libraries is a member of the State Depository Program, established in 1963 by RCW 40.06, which is administered by the Washington State Library in
Washington State documents received from 1990 to present appear in the WSU Search It library catalog and are shelved at the location given, including Holland and Terrell Libraries and other WSU-Pullman libraries. For materials not found in the catalog, ask a librarian to assist you, particularly for documents prior to 1990. Older documents are shelved on the 3rd floor in Holland Library and the 3rd floor of the Owen Science & Engineering Library in the Jackson Document (non-federal documents) sections. The Washington State Library catalog is useful for identifying state documents and items not at the WSU Libraries can generally be borrowed via Interlibrary loan.