Hoffer, T. A., & Shelton, J. L. E. (2013). Suicide among child sex offenders. New York, NY: Springer.
By providing empirical data and multidisciplinary considerations, the book increases awareness of child sex offender suicide among the various entities which come into contact with this population of offenders. This book attempts to bring awareness of this potentially high risk population to better inform the law enforcement, corrections, and mental health communities of the unique risk factors for suicide among CSOs and provide a more effective crisis response. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Behavioral Analysis Unit III- Crimes Against Children reviewed and analyzed 106 male Child Sex Offenders (CSO) who committed suicide during the course of a child sex crime investigation. Of the 106 CSOs, 79% were child pornography traders/collectors, 43% were child molesters, 21% were travelers, and 18% were child pornography producers. Analyses also revealed that nearly all were Caucasian and the majority were married, employed, and died via self-inflicted gunshot wound. Of particular interest was that in 26% of the cases, the offender killed himself within 48 hours of his awareness of the investigation; and in nearly half of the known cases, the offender had past/current military service and a criminal history. In addition, 68% left a suicide note, which is substantially higher than the general suicide population. Analysis of the notes revealed common aspects and themes including cognitive distortions, burdensomeness, shame, and self-blame. The most frequently cited reason for the suicide in the note was the child sex crime investigation (from publisher's website).
A database of library catalog records billed as the world's largest library catalog, WorldCat is a wonderful place to find publication information for obscure books and reports, archival materials, and very new books that haven't been purchased by a library in the Pacific Northwest Useful for interlibrary loans, for ordering, and sometimes just to know, WorldCat gives bibliographic information and lists the libraries in the world where a work might be housed.
Click in the image's box to leave this page and go to the WorldCat database.
Weiner, I. B. & Craighead, W. E. (2010). The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, 4th edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Continuing for Fall Semester 2017!
The Libraries has licensed a new educational video streaming service, Kanopy, that offers thousands of documentaries, training films, and theatrical releases.
Click http://wsu.kanopystreaming.com to get started!
At the very top of the Kanopy homepage, notice the "subjects' pull-down list next to the orange "Kanopy" logo. If you choose "Social Sciences," psychology will be near the bottom of the list of social sciences for your perusal.
In this more scholarly alternative to Netflix or Amazon Prime, this content is ready for showing in a class, for using in a project, or for just plain viewing. Do be aware that the software does anonymously keep track of the productions of interest to the WSU audience so that Libraries can purchase viewing rights to the most-watched films. Certainly, if you decide to plan on showing a production in class regularly, please let me know so that we can work on Kanopy's continued funding.
I hope everyone finds these resources to be valuable in the exploration of this topic. I am available for classes and private research consultations. My contact information is below. Although I will be away from the Libraries August 12-28 (during that time please use the general http://libraries.wsu.edu/ask), feel free to contact me for further assistance.
This last summer, an online version of DSM-5 was added to the Psychiatry Online database.