As of 2021, ASA/CSSA/SSSA citations all follow the APA citation style.
APA does not have an explicit way to cite images in presentation software such as PowerPoint. If you are following strict APA guidelines, you would treat an image like a figure.
To learn more about APA and how to cite figures see the following:
- WSU Libraries APA Quick Cite Guide
- The George Washington University Libraries' APA Citation Style, 7th edition: Figures
Unless otherwise noted, all images on this page come from the ASA/CSA/SSSA style manual:
Example(s) of How to Cite an Image in APA Within Your PowerPoint Presentation:
This example is the most technically correct way to cite an image in APA within your PowerPoint slides.
Explanation of citation:
Figure number. Description of image. Adapted from “Name of image” (note: since you will probably be resizing the image, it will be "adapted" from its original source). by Author first initial. Author last name, Year of creation, Source of image. URL (where the image came from). Copyright information.
This example is technically for citing an image within your paper. Although it is not technically correct, it is utilized fairly often and cleaner than the example from above.
For more information regarding how to cite images in APA (as you would in a paper) see the box below.
Although not technically correct, you could use a combination of these two methods. Because there aren't well defined rules regarding citing images within a PowerPoint presentation you do have some flexibility. Just make sure that you are being consistent. Here's an example of a combination of the two methods from above.
Another option, which again, is not technically correct is to have the full APA citation under your image
Citing an Image & Using a Reference Section
Cite the image as in the example below:
(Huckle, 1921)
In your reference section, write:
Last Name, Initials. (Date created). Image title italicized [Media type]. Name of museum, City, State
Abbreviation, Country of museum. URL
Huckle, M.S. (1921). Horticulture students studying tree roots. Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State
University, Pullman, WA, United
Citing an Image from a Website - Author is Not Listed
(Presentation at Feeder's Day, Prosser, Washington, 1959)
Title of image [Media type]. (Date created). Title of website. URL
Presentation at Feeder's Day, Prosser. (1959). [Photograph]. The Washington Rural Heritage Collection.
In-text citations are citations that occur within the body of your paper.
There has been at least 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history (Ramos, 2015).
Ramos (2015) found 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
There has been at least 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history (Ramos and Wilson, 2015).
Ramos and Wilson (2015) found 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
There has been at least 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history (Ramos et al., 2015).
Ramos et al. (2015) found 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
There has been at least 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history (Ramos and Wilson, 2015; Martinez, 2019).
Ramos and Wilson (2015) and Martinez (2019) both found 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
There has been at least 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history (Ramos, 2015, p. 42).
Ramos (2015, p. 42) found 532 volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
The reference list (or reference section) of your paper contains a list of all of the resources that you cited. Here's some things to keep in mind when creating a reference list:
Citing Journals
Example of Journal Article Citations (with and without DOI)
Schematic of a Journal Article Citation
Citing Magazine Articles
Citing Books, Bulletins, or Reports
Examples of Book, Bulletin, and Report Citations
Schematic of a Book, Bulletin, or Report Citation
Citing Chapters Within Edited Books, Bulletins, and Reports
Examples of Citing Individual Chapters within an Edited Book
Schematic of a Chapter Citation Within a Book, Bulletin, or Report
Example of a Reference List Utilizing Multiple Types of Resources