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AGRI 587

AGRI 587 Research and Extension Communications in Agriculture (Library Research Guide)

Find Images (Historical & Contemporary)

Horticulture students studying tree roots

Ross Hall Studio (ca. 1921). Horticulture students studying tree roots [Online image]. Washington State University Libraries Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections.


Below are links to some useful resources that tend to have open access/public domain images. Do remember, different images and websites may have different license and use policies. 


Agriculture, Horticulture, and Land-Use Photographs

National and International Collections 

Regional Content

See also:

Find Maps & Satellite Images (Historical & Contemporary)


Useful (Free) Image Editing Software

In Salinas, California, geneticist Robert Lewellen and technician Jose Orozco evaluate sugar beet breeding lines for disease resistance.

Bauer, S. (2000). In Salinas, California, geneticist Robert Lewellen and technician Jose Orozco evaluate sugar beet breeding lines for disease resistance [Online image]. USDA Agricultural Research Service.


Free Image Editing Software

GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) - GIMP is a free and open-source graphics editor. It can be used for image creation and editing, changing and saving different image formats, free-form drawing, and much more.

PIXLR - A free (basic package) web-based image editing application.

*There's lots more! These are just two applications that I use.

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