The Council of Science Editors (CSE) citation format is commonly used within the sciences. Currently CSE is in the eight edition. Below is some basic information to get you started.
Note: There are two types of CSE citations (see examples below). Within the body of your text, you can use either a citation-sequence system or an author-year system.
In citation–sequence system, your references are listed in the order in which they appear within the body of your text. The same number will be utilized for each subsequent in-text citation. The reference section of your paper will be in sequence.
In the author–name system the in-text citation will have the author and year of publication info and the reference section will be alphabetized.
references are listed alphabetically by author. Multiple works by the same author are listed alphabetically by title.
Helpful Links:
CSE Manuals & Quickstart Guides
The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers via the University of Chicago Press (online guide)
Comprehensive Quickstart CSE guide from the WAC Clearinghouse
The Official 8th Edition of the the CSE Manual for Authors, Publishers, and Editors (physical book in the WSU Libraries)
Quick guide via the University of Washington CSE Library Guide
CSE (Citation-Name) In-Text from the University of Georgia Libraries on YouTube
CSE (Name-Year) In-Text Citations from the University of Georgia Libraries on YouTube
In-text Citations in CSE
This is how you will cite authors within the body of your paper
Citing One Author
More than One Author
Three or More Authors
Naming the Author in the Text
Using Direct Quotes
For more complete information take a look at this library guide from the University of Washington
The CSE Reference Sections
Rules include:
Journal Articles:
Author A, Author B. Year. Article title. Journal Title. Volume number(issue number):inclusive pages.
Walters KJ, Currey CJ. 2019. Growth and development of basil species in response to temperature. HortScience. 54(11): 1915-1920.
Author A, Author BB. Year. Title of work. Edition. Place of publication (State or Prov): Publisher name. Number of pages.
Morse RA. 1975. Bees and beekeeping. Ithaca (NY): Comstock Pub. Associates. 295 p.
Edited Books (Chapters, Collections, etc.):
Author(s) of section. Year. Title of the part. In: Author(s) or Editor(s). Book title. Edition. Place of publication (State or Prov): Publisher name. p. pages of chapter.
Roberts TA, German FR. 2000. The western honeybee colonies. In: Thompson RT, Lewis TQ, editors. The American honeybee. 8th ed. New York (NY): Routledge. p. 133-146.
For more complete information take a look at this library guide from the University of Washington
When you cite an image or infographic in CSE, you will include a caption and source information.
Note: If you created the image you do not have to cite it
Name of image [content descriptor]. Publisher. Year content was created if applicable. Copyright holder or creator. [accessed date]. URL.
Butch T. Cougar in his element, on the football field [image]. Wikimedia Commons. Wsugocougs. [accessed 2023 Jun 1].