My Top Picks for Scholarly Database for Agriculture Research
Includes Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences and Science Citation indexes, Journal Citation Reports, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Citation Index, Derwent Innovations patent searching, MEDLINE, and Zoological Record. Updated weekly.
AGRICOLA contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library.
Search It is the WSU library catalog. You can search among many different types of resources and order materials from other institutions if they are not immediately available through WSU. You will find the most resources in Search It but you will also find the most noise.
You may also want to take a look at the WSU Libraries General Agricultural Research Guide.
You may have been told not to use Google Scholar for your research in the past. The thing is, Google Scholar can be a useful tool - if you use it correctly.
Google Scholar can easily be synced to the WSU Library catalog. When you do this, resources that you find in Google Scholar, that WSU subscribes to, will be fully accessible. This means you get the the full-text of an article by using Google Scholar as a starting point.
If you don't sync the WSU library catalog with Google Scholar your access to research will be severely limited.
Here's the info about how to sync Google Scholar with the WSU Library catalog.
A datasset is the raw data that has been collected by researchers and government institutions. There are countless different types of datasets from countless organizations. Helpful datasets pertaining to these projects may include demographic information, opinion and market surveys, soil and horticulture maps, and so much more.
*You can find maps by using the WSU Search It library catalog and limiting your results to display to display just maps. View this image demonstrating how to limit your searches to display just maps.
Satellite Images
Land and Title Records
To find info on the history of land use and agriculture (including photographs, maps, publications, and much more), take a look at the history of agriculture library research guide.