Any WSU faculty member can request a profile on Research Exchange. Their profile will be created semi-automatically by WSU Libraries, drawing information from Pivot and other sources. Profiles include sections for contact information, researcher identifiers, affiliations, and research outputs.
Begin by logging in to Research Exchange. Click on the "sign in" button at the top right and use your WSU Network ID and password to log in. After you have signed in, click on the icon at the top right and navigate to your profile.
At this point, you can make changes to your name, photo, affiliations, and research interests. Click on "edit profile" to do so and follow the instructions in the video that follows below. Note that "Esploro" is the name of the platform that Research Exchange is hosted on.
After setting up a profile in Research Exchange, you have the option of creating a CV that includes your deposits and citations. The following video provides instructions. Note again that "Esploro" is the generic name of the platform used by Research Exchange.
Research Exchange can display funding information from Pivot that is tailored to particular subject areas. Check with the Libraries,, to set up this option. To view new funding opportunities, you will log in to your profile and select "discover funding" at the top right of the page. See the sample below.