Once logged in to Research Exchange, any WSU researcher can add materials to the repository. These materials may include datasets, posters, slides, journal articles, or simply a link to the item on another website.
Note the following requirements when depositing to Research Exchange:
To add materials to Research Exchange, click on "add content" and select "output." Follow the steps outlined in the video below. Alternatively, contact libraries.research@wsu.edu for assistance.
In order to deposit a file in Research Exchange—or any website—you will first need to determine that you are the copyright holder or that you have permission from the copyright holder.
Generally, if you have not yet published a work, then you and any co-authors are the copyright holder(s) and can choose to post online. As copyright holders, you have certain inherent rights that include the right to reproduce the work, the right to distribute it, prepare derivatives, perform the work, display it, or license those rights to others.
However, if you have published in a book or journal, your publisher may ask you to sign over some or all of the rights described above (the right to display your work, etc.). If you have transferred your copyright to a publisher, you will need to ensure that your publisher allows you to post your work. Here are a few ways to make this determination:
As you check your publisher’s policies, you may find that they allow you to post a version of an article or chapter called a pre-print, post-print, or accepted manuscript.
DOIs or Digital Object Identifiers are an important strategy for ensuring that others can locate your research materials. If you deposit a dataset or other unpublished material in Research Exchange, WSU Libraries will provide you with a DOI at no cost. If you deposit a version of a published article (such as the accepted manuscript), WSU Libraries will add in a link or DOI pointing to the article on the publisher's website.
All documents and files deposited in Research Exchange should be accessible to anyone browsing online. This means that people using screen readers or assistive devices should be able to access and use the documents that you share. Please consult the Accessibility Guides provided by WSU Communications to ensure that your documents meet accessibility standards.