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This guide provides information about ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) and its utility for researchers at WSU.

Tips for Using Your ORCID

Make changes to your ORCID profile using your WSU login: If you want to quickly jump on to your ORCID profile to make changes, you don't have to remember your ORCID login--you can use your WSU credentials. On the ORCID sign-in page, just select "Institutional account" and you'll be prompted for your WSU login. 

Make your ORCID profile public: This maximizes the visibility of your research, and options for integrating your ORCID account with other systems.

Add name variations to your ORCID profile: If you have published under other names, be sure this is reflected in your ORCID profile.

Use your ORCID ID: Provide your ID as prompted when submitting manuscripts and grant proposals.

Link your ORCID ID: Link your ORCID to other services including ResearcherID, figshare, and professional organizations.

Consider displaying your ORCID ID: You may want to include your ORCID on posters, webpages, email signature lines, blogs, and social media accounts--anyplace where you'd like to refer others to the body of your research.

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