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Open Access Publishing Agreements

This guide describes open access publishing agreements for authors affiliated with Washington State University.



SCOAP3 – The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics

Participating libraries redirect the money previously used for subscribing to the SCOAP3 journals into a common fund, from which the publication costs are paid. This redirection is possible as all publishers are reducing or eliminating subscription costs to the SCOAP3 journals and credit all their clients respectively.

SCOAP3 has converted key journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access at no cost for authors. SCOAP3 centrally pays publishers for costs involved in providing Open Access, publishers, in turn, reduce subscription fees to all their customers, who can re-direct these funds to contribute to SCOAP3

SCOAP3 journals are open for any scientist to publish in without any financial barriers. Copyright stays with authors, and a permissive CC-BY license allows text- and data-mining. SCOAP3 addresses Open Access mandates at no burden for authors. All articles appear in the SCOAP3 repository for further distribution, as well as being Open Access on publishers’ websites.

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