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Using AMA Style

A guide to using AMA citation style

Parts of a Manuscript


This section provides context for the article with a literature review. It should state the study objective, research question or hypothesis, and why the study is important. This section is typically 2-3 paragraphs long.


The methods section should include the following descriptions:

  • study design or type of analysis, dates/period of study, IRB approval
  • condition, factors, or disease studied
  • details of the sample population
  • interventions, if any
  • outcome measures or observations
  • statistical analysis


Describe the results of the study from broad to specific. Include validation measures if included in the study.


A critical examination of the study. Address the research question or hypothesis and compare study results to those of other studies. Discuss weaknesses or limitations of the study, as well as avenues for future research.

2.8 Parts of a Manuscript, Headings, Subheadings, and Side Headings

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