What is Library Instruction?
The Undergraduate Services Team addresses the facilitation of goal four of the Seven UCORE Learning Goals: Information Literacy. Library instruction aims to help student researchers gain critical scholarly research techniques and skills in order to succeed in the identification, retrieval, evaluation, and management of resources in an information-rich environment at the foundational level.
Library Instruction Program Details
All library sessions are designed to teach your students critical foundational information literacy concepts. Please choose at least one of the options below to develop and address student learning outcomes relative to your particular needed aspects of information literacy.
- Topic Refinement
Students will analyze topics in order to develop effective research questions and search strategies. This class will cover:
- the different steps of the research process, and importance of each
- how to narrow or broaden a topic, and brainstorm ideas
- how to select key terms and build a word bank of related terms
- how to apply search terms to construct a search strategy
- Evaluating Resources
Students will assess source quality and relevance in order to ensure appropriate use of information. This class will cover:
- the difference between popular and scholarly sources, and primary and secondary sources
- how to determine the credibility and authority of an author, source, and content, including websites
- how to identify the publication process as it relates to different publication types