Acland's (streaming) Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is web-based product that uses fresh, unembalmed specimens, retaining the color, texture, and mobility of the living human body in 3D. A concise synchronized narration runs throughout the program. As each new structure is shown, its name appears on the screen. Footage has been segmented into intervals no longer than 10 minutes and the streaming rate is capped at 250kbs. Features include section exams (free login account), a glossary, and an A-Z index.
Bates' Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. The site features more than 8 hours of video content. Students and faculty in medical, nursing, and related programs will appreciate the careful attention to clinical accuracy, as well as the range of patient types profiled in the series.
MedPix® is a free open-access online database of medical images, teaching cases, and clinical topics, integrating images and textual metadata including over 12,000 patient case scenarios, 9,000 topics, and nearly 59,000 images.
Digital Collections provides access to the National Library of Medicine's distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care and the history of medicine. Our unique digital collections are freely available for download worldwide and in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.
high-quality medical illustrations and images to enhance your educational materials, research publications, and PowerPoint presentations? Servier Medical Art has over 3000 free, up-to-date medical images licensed as CC BY 4.0.
The NLM Visible Human Project has created publicly-available complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of a human male body and a human female body. Specifically, the VHP provides a public-domain library of cross-sectional cryosection, CT, and MRI images obtained from one male cadaver and one female cadaver. The Visible Man data set was publicly released in 1994 and the Visible Woman in 1995.