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Medical Faculty

A collection of library resources for ESFCOM faculty.

New England Journal of Medicine Tools

PowerPoint Slide Sets and Images

You can download images, illustrations, and tables from NEJM as a PowerPoint slide. For images, select the image and then select the download button at the top right corner, over the caption. Each slide includes the title and caption information, and the image caption is automatically added to the Notes section of your PowerPoint. These images and captions can be transferred to the College of Medicine branded slides.

New England Journal of Medicine

PowerPoint Slide Sets and Images

NEJM Quick Takes

The NEJM Quick Take videos are short animations that summarize key findings of an original research article and their broader implications for research and practice in a visual format.

View this Quick Take on Myocardial Infarction.

screenshot of NEJM Quick Take video playing

Interactive Medical Cases

With the Interactive Medical Cases, you can virtually manage an actual peer-reviewed case. These include videos, lab results, and commentary to explain important clinical concepts. There are also periodic knowledge checks with multiple choice answers and explanations.

Find more Interactive Medical Cases here.

screenshot of an interactive medical case titled "The Verge of Collapse"

Procedure Videos in Clinical Medicine

Videos in Clinical Medicine demonstrate common clinical procedures, and could complement the videos in Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination. The videos are peer-reviewed for accuracy and chaptered for easy reference.They also come with a PDF summary of the procedure, available for download. There are over 60 videos currently available, and more are being added.

Access the Videos in Clinical Medicine here.

screenshot of "Videos in Clinical Medicine" page

Image Challenge

The Image Challenge provides a picture of a clinical presentation and asks the viewer to make a diagnosis based on the provided options.

Find more Image Challenges here.

screenshot of page showing x-ray of lungs and asking reader to make a diagnosis

NEJM Resident 360

NEJM Resident 360 is designed to help students and residents prepare for their clinical rotations and careers through articles, videos, podcasts, and discussion forums. While the students won’t be going on traditional rotations, the information here can still be helpful.

Check out NEJM Resident 360 here.

screenshot of "NEJM Resident 360" page
screenshot of copyright page containing copyright message

ClinicalKey Presentation Maker and Saved Content

Create a ClinicalKey Account

To access the Presentation Maker and Saved Content tools in ClinicalKey, you must first make a personal ClinicalKey account. Access ClinicalKey through the library website, then select "Register" near the top right corner. Complete the form.

screenshot of ClinicalKey menu with "Register" link circled

Image Tool Options

After selecting an image, you will be presented with a number of different tool options. To use the Presentation Maker, select the box with the inset triangle.

screenshot of cardiovascular system diagram with Presentation Maker option outlined

Presentation Maker

You can either A) add the image to an existing presentation by selecting "Add Presentation" and the appropriate collection, or B) create a new presentation by selecting "Create New".

After doing this, you have two options: if you want to view your presentation, select "Add and view presentation"; if you want to simply add the image and continue reviewing content, select "Add".

screenshot of "Add to Presentation" screen with options

Presentation Maker

When viewing your presentations, you can see your existing presentations along the left and the selected presentation in the middle. You can create a new presentation here by selecting "Create new presentation" at the top left. You can also add additional images to a presentation from Saved Content (this will be addressed shortly).

To export a presentation, select "Export" at the right side of the screen - this will download your presentation as a PowerPoint file.

screenshot of Presentation Maker manager with "Export" link outlined

Presentation Maker

Your exported presentation will look like this, with ClinicalKey-branded slides and citation information. You can adapt this format however you would like, but you must include citation information for each image.

screenshot of sample presentation made with ClinicalKey

Saved Content

You can also add an image to your Saved Content section. When you have selected an image and are viewing the available tool options, select the star icon to add an image to your Saved Content.

screenshot of cardiovascular system diagram with Saved Content option outlined

Accessing Presentation Maker and Saved Content

To access these tools in ClinicalKey, you can select the menu button indicated by 3 horizontal lines at the top right corner. From here, you can find your Saved Content and Presentations.

screenshot of ClinicalKey menu with Saved Content and Presentations options outlined
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