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Medical Faculty

A collection of library resources for Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine faculty.

New England Journal of Medicine Tools

PowerPoint Slide Sets and Images

You can download images, illustrations, and tables from NEJM as a PowerPoint slide. For images, select the image and then select the download button at the top right corner, over the caption. Each slide includes the title and caption information, and the image caption is automatically added to the Notes section of your PowerPoint. These images and captions can be transferred to the College of Medicine branded slides.

New England Journal of Medicine

PowerPoint Slide Sets and Images

ClinicalKey Presentation Maker and Saved Content

Create a ClinicalKey Account

To access the Presentation Maker and Saved Content tools in ClinicalKey, you must first make a personal ClinicalKey account. Access ClinicalKey through the library website, then select "Register" near the top right corner. Complete the form.

screenshot of ClinicalKey menu with "Register" link circled
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