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Marketing is the process of determining the needs and wants of consumers and being able to deliver products that satisfy those needs and wants. This guide lists resources that support the study of marketing.

Databases, Indexes, Specialized Resources

Academic Search Complete. A comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.

Business Source Complete. A definitive scholarly business database, providing an extensive collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts are provided for the most important scholarly business journals back to the early 20th Century.

Communication & Mass Media Complete. Comprehensive journal index with full- text articles covering the communications and mass media fields.

International Directory of Company Histories.  Provides in depth and up-to-date company history information for United States owned and international companies.

Nexis Uni replaced Lexis Nexis Academic. Provides access to full text information from newspapers, magazines, company annual reports, and more, as well as legal information.

Market Share Reporter. Presents market share data on over four thousand companies, and 2,500 products, facilities, and brands. Several entries are usually available under each industry.

Claritas 360.  Provides market, lifestyle, demographic, and behavioral information for counties and Designated Market Areas (DMA). (Online guide available Claritas 360)

Census Business Builder. U.S. Census Bureau.  Small Business Edition is built primarily for small business owners who need key data for their business plan or to better understand their potential market. It presents data for a single type of business and geography at a time.  Regional Analyst Edition is built for chambers of commerce and regional planning staff who need a broad portrait of the people and businesses in their service area. It presents data for all sectors of the economy and for a user-defined region made up of one or more areas.

PsycInfo. Index with summaries of citations to articles in over 1,300 psychology research journals with coverage back to 1900.

Sociological Abstracts. Citations with abstracts to articles on all aspects of sociology, social work, and other social sciences since 1963.

Internet Links

Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Outline. QuickMBA

Marketing Plan Template. Forbes

Demographics & Statistics  U.S. Census Bureau platform that provides data on the U.S. people and economy: population, education, business, employment, health, housing, income and poverty, economy, families and living arrangements, and international trade.

Population Reference Bureau.  U.S. population issues, trends, and statistics, in graphics and text, are presented in an easy-to-use format.  Topics include marriage and family, population estimates and projections, education, race and ethnicity, income and poverty, migration, foreign-born population, children, older population, fertility, labor force and employment, and mortality.

STATSAmerica.  Provides demographic statistics for states, counties and metropolitan areas.  Provides profiles of U.S. cities with population, income, race, education, and housing statistics.

Consumer Expenditure Survey.  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Provides information on the buying habits of American consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and single consumers) characteristics. 

American Customer Satisfaction Index.  Analyzes customer satisfaction for 10 economic sectors and more than 40 key industries.

American Time Use Survey.  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing.

Pew Social & Demographic Trends.  Studies behaviors and attitudes of Americans in key areas of their lives, including family, community, health, finance, work and leisure.

CensusScope. An easy-to-use tool for investigating U.S. demographic trends from the Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN) at the University of Michigan.  Designed for generalists and specialists, it includes charts, maps, and ranking for national, state, metro, and county data from the 2010 census and earlier.

Marketing Resources Provides free content on the basic principles of marketing and advertising in clear, concise tutorials. It also provides numerous Web resources for advertising, selling, promotion, research, and more in concise information areas for easy browsing.

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