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Showing 38 Databases

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AGRICOLA contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library.
AGRIS is the international information system for the agricultural sciences and technology. It was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1974, to facilitate information exchange and to bring together world literature dealing with all aspects of agriculture. AGRIS is a cooperative system in which participating countries input references to the literature produced within their boundaries and, in return, draw on the information provided by the other participants. To date, 240 national, international and intergovernmental centers participate.
Audit Analytics provides detailed audit information on over 1,200 accounting firms and 15,000 publicly registered companies.Ê
Bank Regulatory provides accounting data for Bank Holding Companies, Commercial Banks, Savings Banks, and Savings and Loans Institutions.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
"a continuously-updated database of thousands of citations of works using data held in the ICPSR archive." Includes DOI, WorldCat, and Google Scholar options for access are provided for most citations; the WorldCat link will provide a Find It @ WSU option.
Blockholders contains standardized data for blockholders of 1,913 companies, reported by firm for 1996-2001.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Citations with abstracts to the world literature on all aspects of agriculture including forestry and nutrition. Updated weekly. Contains all data from these individual CABI indexes: Agroforestry Abstracts, Field Crop Abstracts, Forest Products Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, Grassland and forage Abstracts, Horticultural Abstracts, Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts, Nutrition Abstracts : Human Nutrition, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Potato Abstracts, Review of Plant Pathology, Seed Abstracts, Soils and Fertilizers, Weed Abstracts, Wheat Barley and Triticale Abstracts.
“Not all vendors are able to use OpenAthens Federated Access to authenticate users. If you need to access resources from this vendor, please do not use the OpenAthens institutional login on their website. Instead, start from the WSU Libraries Search It tool or Datbases AZ list. Once we move completely to OpenAthens, sign in will be possible directly through the vendor website."
Dept. of Commerce; demographic, economic, and social statistics.
The Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP), at the Graduate School of Business at The University of Chicago, maintains the most comprehensive data files on the market, covering 1925 to the present.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
COMPUSTAT from Standard & PoorÕs provides a number of databases covering fundamentals in the U.S. and globally, executive compensation, ratings and more.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
DMEF Academic Data contains four individual data sets, each containing customer buying history for about 100,000 customers of nationally known catalog and non-profit database marketing businesses.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Dow Jones covers the Dow Jones Averages and the Dow Jones Total Return Indexes.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Full text, PDF digital access to the Economist including full-color material (post-1997 and as available)
Fama-French Factors & Liquidity provides access to the Fama-French three-factor model to describe stock returns, as well as to Pastor-Stambaugh Liquidity Returns.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Federal Reserve Bank Reports contains three databases collected from Federal Reserve Banks. Two of them (Foreign Exchanges and Interest Rates) come from reports published for the Federal Reserve Board (H. 10 and H. 15 reports). The other one contains the Coincident State Indexes from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
This complete online fully searchable facsimile edition of the Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2016, provides the London edition of this international newspaper, covering business, global financial and economic issues as well as topics such as industry, energy, and international politics.
The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for 206 economies
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research provides access to over 5000 datasets, includes Census, Crime, Aging, Health Care, Politics, etc.
International Financial Statistics covers about 200 countries and areas. Topics include balance of payments, commodity prices, exchange rates, fund position, government finance, industrial producation, interest rates, government finance.
The Making of the Modern World provides full text and full page image access to books from 1450-1914, and pre-1906 serials. Covers economics, history, political science, sociology, and special emphasis on banking, finance, transportation, and manufacturing.
Provides access to full text legal and abstracted information from newspapers, magazines, company annual reports, and more
Penn World Tables provides national income accounts-type of variables converted to international prices. The homogenization of national accounts to a common numeraire allows valid comparisons of income among countries.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
The Philadelphia Stock ExchangeÕs United Currency Options Market (UCOM) offers choice of expiration date, strike (exercise) price, premium payment and any combination of 10 currencies currently available for a total of 100 possible currency pairs.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Provides abstracts on over 2 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses, open-access dissertations from schools other than WSU.
Designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method, SAGE Research Methods includes more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research.
“Not all vendors are able to use OpenAthens Federated Access to authenticate users. If you need to access resources from this vendor, please do not use the OpenAthens institutional login on their website. Instead, start from the WSU Libraries Search It tool or Datbases AZ list. Once we move completely to OpenAthens, sign in will be possible directly through the vendor website."
SEC: Order Execution database enables users to track activity at market centers that trade national market system securities. These centers must make monthly, electronic disclosures of basic information concerning their quality of executions on a stock-by-stock basis.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Indexes articles, interviews, obituaries, biographies, and book reviews in English language periodicals. Covers anthropology, economics, geography, law, political science, psychology, and sociology. U41984 to the present;updated monthly.
Thomson Reuters Institutional Holdings (13F) database, formerly known as CDA/Spectrum 3 4 database, contains ownership information by institutional managers with $100 million or more in Assets Under Management (Section 13(f) Securities).ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.
Full text of University of Chicago Press Journals to which WSU subscribes.
This resource assists in finding specific U.S. export and import information on more than 18,000 commodities world wide. It is the most current US Merchandise Trade data available.
The Value Line Investment Survey is a comprehensive source of information and advice on approximately 1,700 stocks, approximately 97 industries, the stock market, and the economy.
Value Line investment survey--historical reports contain backfiles with information on industries, the stock market, and the economy. The reports date back to 1998 and are made accessible in PDF format.
Includes Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences and Science Citation indexes, Journal Citation Reports, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Citation Index, Derwent Innovations patent searching, MEDLINE, and Zoological Record. Updated weekly.
World Development Indicators is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources.
WRDS is a gateway to financial, accounting, banking, economics, management, and marketing data accessible through a single web-based interface from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.ÊWRDS account required for WRDS access. WSU Faculty and Graduate students may set up accounts directly from the WRDS website.

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Gabriella Reznowski
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