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International Business

Databases, Indexes, Specialized Resources

  • Business Source Complete. A scholarly business database, providing an extensive collection of bibliographic and full text content. Special features include company profiles and SWOT analyses, industry profiles for the U.S. and other countries, market research reports, and in-depth country reports.  Indexing and abstracts are provided for the most important scholarly business journals back to the early 20th Century.
  • Nexis Uni replaced Lexis Nexis Academic.Provides access to full text information from newspapers, magazines, company annual reports, and more, as well as legal  and country information.
  • Access World News.  NewsBank.  Comprehensive resource that includes a variety of full-text news publications worldwide. Available through December 2019.
  • IBISWorld. Provides 75 industry reports on industry performance in key regions like Europe, Asia, the Middle East and more.
  • IMF Data.  Data resources from the International Monetary Fund, including International Financial Statistics and World Economic Outlook Databases.
  • World Bank Open Data.  Open access to World Bank data including time series, microdata, and geospatial data on regions and countries.
  • globalEDGE. Michigan State University. A platform for researching countries and industries, globalEDGE provides access to reports, data, and rankings.  It includes the Database of International Business Statistics, country risk ratings, and much more.
  • USA Trade Online.  U.S. Census Bureau. Provides U.S. export and import information on more than 18,000 commodities world wide. It is the most current US Merchandise Trade data available. Sign up for your FREE account by clicking the " Sign-Up Now" button.
  • Trade Map. International Trade Centre. ITC. Trade Map provided by Washington Small Business Development Center.  Trade statistics for international business development.  Monthly, quarterly, and yearly data.  Import and export values, volumes, growth rates, market shares, and more.
  • Trade Agreements. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.  Provides text of U.S. trade agreements.
  • Regional Trade Agreements. World Trade Organization.  The RTA Database provides the text of reciprocal preferential trade agreements between two or more partners that have either been notified, or for which an early announcement has been made, to the WTO.

Internet Links

Country Profile

Political Situation/Terrorism

Economic Indicators/Conditions

Country Culture/Social Conditions


Business Culture/Practices/Environment



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