Spring 2023: The Libraries' move to an updated version of Ex Libris's Primo catalog (we call it Search It here at WSU) seems to have messed up the ability to download a print book citation into Zotero using the book Item Type. Right now its saving them as Documents (ebooks continue to be properly saved as Books). You will need to change the Item Type from Document to Book and fix the bibliographic data as appropriate. Alternatively, and better, just use the ISBN using the "Add Item by Identifier" icon and it will add it correctly with more or less correct bibliographic data (although you'd still better check it to make sure everything is there correctly).
Note that if your item is something like a Congressional Hearing, Encyclopedia, etc., Zotero has always and continues to download them as the wrong item type requiring a manual Item Type change and some bibliographic elements editing. Dissertations do load correctly using the Thesis Item Type.
As of 7/2023:
Print Books
- If an ISBN is available, use this with the Yellow Highlighter tool (paste in the ISBN into the Add Item by Identifier textbox) and it will resolve to your book with the proper Item Type (unless it's something like a hearing, etc.) - you may need to do some editing of the bibliographic fields.
- If an ISBN isn't available, download it using the Zotero browser connector, (it will be as a Document Item Type) and change it to a Book type, and make any necessary additions and corrections to the bibliographic fields.
- Note that if your item is something like a Congressional Hearing, Encyclopedia, etc., Zotero has always and continues to download them as the wrong item type requiring a manual Item Type change and some bibliographic elements editing.
Note that you may prefer to search in WSU WorldCat Discovery (either via Search It or directly). You can search just WSU's holdings, or "Libraries Worldwide:"
- Zotero does properly save a print book as a Book in WorldCat, however is kinda weird. You will see a folder (which usually indicates more than one citation is available) instead of the usual Book icon. Just click it, select "Off-Campus Login" (I don't know why it does this) and it will be added to your Zotero Library as a Book.
Just use the Zotero Connector as usual and it will download the citation as a Book. You may need to make some adjustments to the bibliographic fields.
Journal Articles
Just use the Zotero Connector as usual and it will download the citation as a journal article. You may need to make some adjustments to the bibliographic fields. This method will not automatically download the article - you will have to do so from the fulltext options (if available).
Other options:
- Add the article from its original source (publisher site) if it is Zotero-compliant (this may also add the PDF; if not, you can get the article by clicking on View It tab, getting the PDF if available, and adding it to your Zotero library). Example: ScienceDirect.
- If the article's Search It record has a "download PDF" option through the Libraries LibKey service, it can work in a few different ways (auto-download, open a PDF in a new tab, or take you to the original source of the article). You can then proceed to get it into your Zotero Library as a PDF (which will resolve to a full Item Record). Note: I prefer to get it from the original source (option 1) as you will generally have more added value options whne you get the PDF from its original source (i.e., downloadable figures, citation info, etc.)
- Copy the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) if available, then click on the Yellow Highlighter tool, and paste it in - it will resolve to your article - you may need to do some editing of bibliographic fields. You will then need to manually add the article PDF the usual way(s).
- If there is no DOI or it does not work, right-click on the title of the record you want, and open it in its own tab. You can then use the Zotero translator button in your browser bar to add the article bibliographic data to your Zotero library; you will then need to open and attach the article PDF (if available) separately. You will probably need to do some editing to make sure the Zotero record includes all correct information in the various bibliographic fields and that title fields are in sentence case, etc. .(Note: it you don't open the record in its own tab, you will have to use the batch option (folder icon on result page) which makes you select your record).
- Enter the bibliographic information manually by copy and paste (a pain if you have to do it, but you only have to do it once).
Magazine Articles
These will download as Journal articles and will have to have the Item Type changed along with adjustments to the bibliographic fields.