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Crimson Reads: A Celebration of WSU Authored Books

This page celebrates scholarly monographs, fiction, and poetry published by WSU authors since 2010.

2021 Crimson Reads Books

2021 WSU Crimson Reads Featured Books 

(alphabetized by author's last name)



Pull Hard book cover

Arnold, David

Pull Hard! Finding Grit and Purpose on Cougar Crew, 1970–2020

Washington State University Press

A former Washington State University oarsman tells the captivating story of Cougar Crew’s first fifty years. The only varsity club on campus, they became a scrappy, tightly knit, intensely dedicated group. Enamored by the sheer physical grit, strong camaraderie, and the thrilling sensation of synchronized strokes, they persevered through tragedies and funding challenges to revel in Pac-10 and national championships, and prior rowers who went on to win Olympic Gold.

326 pages.

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Coming Home book cover

Bond, Trevor J.

Coming Home to Nez Perce Country: The Niimiipuu Campaign to Repatriate Their Exploited Heritage

Washington State University Press

In 1847, missionary Henry Spalding shipped two barrels of “Indian curiosities”—exquisite Nez Perce shirts, dresses, baskets, horse regalia, and more—to an Ohio friend. Given just six months in 1993, the tribe launched a brilliant grassroots campaign and raised $608,100 to reclaim their exploited cultural heritage. The author draws on interviews with Nez Perce experts and extensive archival research to tell the fascinating story of the Spalding-Allen Collection. He also examines the ethics of acquiring, bartering, owning, and selling Native cultural history.

216 pages.

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Japan's Private Spheres book cover

Brecher, William Puck

Japan’s Private Spheres: Autonomy in Japanese History, 1600-1930



Japan's Private Spheres: Autonomy in Japanese History, 1600-1930 traces the shifting nature of autonomy in early modern and modern Japan. In this far-reaching, interdisciplinary study, W. Puck Brecher explores the historical development of the private and its evolving relationship with public authority, a dynamic that evokes stereotypes about an alleged dearth of individual agency in Japanese society. It does so through a montage of case studies. For the early modern era, case studies examine peripheral living spaces, boyhood, and self-interrogation in the arts. For the modern period, they explore strategic deviance, individuality in Meiji education, modern leisure, and body-maintenance. Analysis of these disparate private realms illuminates evolving conceptualizations of the private and its reciprocal yet often-contested relationship to the state.

384 pages.

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Auction theory book cover

Choi, Pak-Sing Muñoz-Garcia, Felix

Auction Theory: Introductory Exercises with Answer Keys


This textbook presents 83 exercises on auction theory with detailed answer keys. The exercises emphasize the game-theoretic tools that help
us predict bidders’ equilibrium behavior in different auction formats, along with the seller’s expected revenues in each auction format. We also
include several exercises based on published articles, with the model reduced to its main elements and the question divided into several easy to-answer parts. Little mathematical background in algebra and calculus is assumed, and most algebraic steps and simplifications are provided, making the text ideal for upper-undergraduate and graduate students. The book begins with a discussion of second-price auctions and works through progressively more complicated auction scenarios: first-price auctions, all-pay auctions, third-price auctions, the Revenue Equivalence principle, common-value auctions, multi-unit auctions, and procurement auctions.

296 pages.

Industrial Organization book cover

Choi, Pak-Sing, Dunaway, Eric Muñoz-Garcia, Felix

Industrial Organization: Practice Exercises with Answer Keys


This textbook presents 122 exercises on industrial organization with detailed answer keys. The book emphasizes the game-theoretic tools
used in each type of exercise, so students can systematically apply them to other markets, forms of competition, or information environments
where firms, consumers, and regulating agencies interact. The book begins with monopoly, the Cournot model of simultaneous quantity
competition, the Bertrand model simultaneous price competition, and sequential competition. The following chapters apply game-theoretic tools to regulation, R&D incentives, mergers and collusion, bundling incentives, incomplete information, signaling, networks, and switching costs. Most chapters also offer exercises based on published journal articles, to help readers extend these articles in their own research.

441 pages.

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Common Pool book cover

Espinola-Arredondo, Ana & Muñoz-Garcia, Felix 

Common Pool Resources Strategic Behavior, Inefficiencies, and Incomplete Information

Cambridge University Press

Common Pool Resources include, for instance, fishing grounds, irrigation systems, forests and the atmosphere. Now more than ever, how we responsibly share and use those goods is a vital issue. This textbook introduces students of economics, business and policy studies to the key issues in the field. It uses a game-theory approach to help readers understand the mathematical representation of how to find equilibrium behavior in CPRs, how to identify the socially optimal appropriation, and how to measure the inefficiencies that arise. Algebra and calculus steps are clearly explained, so students can more easily reproduce the analysis and apply it in their own research. Finally, the book also summarizes experimental studies that tested theoretical results in controlled environments, introducing readers to a literature that has expanded over the last decades, and provides references for further reading.

200 pages.

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Among the Remnants book cover

Gortler, Joshua H. & Yellen, Gigi

Among the Remnants: Josh Gortler’s Journey


When three-year-old Joshua Gortler and his family were forced from their hometown in Poland during World War II, they scrambled for safety across border after border, finding refuge at last in Europe’s Displaced Persons Camps.

Undocumented and unschooled, Gortler spent his adolescence learning to survive. When his family eventually relocated to the US, Gortler found himself starting over as teenager in a foreign land with only his spunk and sharp wits to rely on.

After teaching himself English, Gortler managed to complete high school in three years, earn an MSW, and begin what would become a distinguished career in the field of eldercare. Acknowledged as a leading pioneer in his field, Gortler dedicated his professional life to helping others stitch their torn lives back together.

As a sought-after speaker, he has made it his personal mission to bring the lessons of his unique personal experiences - the value of perseverance, humor, ambition, faith, and the paramount importance education - to audiences as diverse as Rotary clubs, at-risk high schoolers, prisoners, and university students.

292 pages

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Shawna Herzog book cover

Herzog, Shawna

Negotiating Abolition The Antislavery Project in the British Strait Settlements, 1786-1843

Bloomsbury Publishing

Negotiating Abolition: The Antislavery Project in the British Straits Settlements, 1786-1843 explores how sex and gender complicated the enforcement of colonial anti-slavery policies in the region, the challenges local officials faced in identifying slave populations, and how European reclassification of slave labor to systems of indenture or 'free' labor created a new illicit trade for women and girls to the Straits Settlements of Southeast Asia.

Through a history of early-19th century slavery and abolition in this often overlooked region in British imperial history, Herzog bridges a historiographical gap between colonial and modern slave systems. She discusses the dynamic intersectionality between perceptions of race, class, gender, and civilization within the Straits and how this informed behavior and policy regarding slavery, abolition, and prostitution within the settlement.

This book provides an important new perspective for scholars of slavery interested in Southeast Asia, British imperialism in the Indian Ocean world and Asia, the East India Company in the Straits, and gender and sexuality in the context of empire.

232 pages. 

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New Technology book cover

Huffman, Wallace E. &  Mccluskey, Jill J. (Eds.)

New Technology and Conflicting Information Assessing Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay for New Foods

World Scientific Publishing

The aim of the book is to make the authors' scholarly research in the area of consumers' willingness-to-pay for new foods that have controversial attributes easily assessable to other researchers, students, and food policy makers. It addresses issues that arise in a market with conflicting information from interested parties, scientific sources, and the media. It begins with a discussion of research methods and information issues. These results include how consumers respond to food products that are produced with new technology that lowers farmers' costs of production, enhance nutrition and food safety for consumers, or adds variety to consumers' food choices. These results arise from data collected in a series of laboratory experiments on adult subjects at various sites in the US and consumer surveys worldwide. The data include socio-demographic attributes of subjects, and their revealed willingness-to-pay in auctions of experimental foods and food products under randomly assigned food labels and information treatments and contingent-valuation survey data.

620 pages. 

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Bio-Mimetic book cover

Khapalov, Alexander

Bio-Mimetic Swimmers in Incompressible Fluids: Modeling, Well-Posedness, and Controllability


This monograph presents an original, concise mathematical theory for bio-mimetic swimmers in the framework of a coupled system of PDEs and ODEs. The authoritative research pioneered by the author serves as the basis for the method adopted here. This unique methodology consists of an original modelling approach, well-posedness results for the proposed models for swimmers, and a controllability theory that studies the steering potential of the proposed swimmers. A combination of this sort does not currently exist in the literature, making this an indispensable resource.

Structured in five parts, the author establishes the main modeling approach in Part One. Part Two then presents the well-posedness results for these models. Parts Three through Five serve to develop a controllability theory for the swimmers, which are conceived of as artificial mechanical devices that imitate the swimming motion of fish, eels, frogs, and other aquatic creatures in nature. Several illustrative examples are provided in the last portion that serve as potential research topics.

173 pages

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Embodied Memories book cover

Liu,  Xinmin & I-min Huang, Peter (Eds.)

Embodied Memories, Embedded Healing New Ecological Perspectives from East Asia

Rowan & Littlefield

Embodied Memories, Embedded Healing critically engages with the major East Asian cultural knowledge, beliefs, and practices that influence environmental consciousness in the twenty-first century. This volume examines key thinkers and aspects of Daoist, Confucianist, Buddhist, indigenous, animistic, and neo-Confucianist thought. With a particular focus on animistic perspectives on environmental healing and environmental consciousness, the contributors also engage with media studies (eco-cinema), food studies, critical animal studies, biotechnology, and the material sciences.

300 pages

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Outside Looking In book cover

Lovrich, Benjamin, Francis A., Pierce, John C., & Schreckhise, William Dean (Eds.)

Outside Looking In: Lobbyists' Views on Civil Discourse in U.S. State Legislatures

Washington State University Press

Working under a grant from the National Institute for Civil Discourse (NICD), researchers conducted a survey of registered lobbyists and public agency legislative liaison officers in all fifty states, and received over 1,200 completed surveys. In Outside Looking In, scholars from across the country interpret results from a survey of registered lobbyists and public agency legislative liaison officers in all fifty states. Using a variety of lenses, they present unique perspectives on civil discourse in state legislatures, revealing both regional and national insights. They hope that a better understanding of politicians’ inability to demonstrate civility and reach bipartisan agreements will yield effective, purposeful interventions.

326 pages.

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Sanctuary Ordinances book cover

Lovrich, Nicholas P., Pierce, John C. Simon, Christopher A., Chávez, Maria L. (Foreword by) Lovrich, Nicholas P.

Sanctuary Ordinances The Contemporary Politics of Immigrant Assimilation in America

Rowan & Littlefield

The book examines contemporary immigration policy and immigrant assimilation with a focus on the adoption of sanctuary ordinances in US local governments in connection with Latino in-migration. It also investigates the adoption of anti-immigrant settlement local ordinances in many local governments with particular focus on local law enforcement positions taken on enforcement of federal immigration laws. The book investigates a wide range of county-level characteristics of 3,000+ U.S. counties (e.g., socio-economic and demographic traits, political culture, social capital, religious denominations present, etc.) to identify correlates of pro- and anti-immigrant settlement. The book also features the analysis of a national survey and three targeted surveys in pro-immigration (San Francisco), divided (Maricopa), and anti-immigration (Tulsa) counties to explore the individual-level factors associated with sentiments on immigration policy. Finally, the book presents findings from two case studies where active encouragement of Latino settlement (Twin Falls, ID) and active opposition (Hazleton, PA) characterize local reaction to Latino in-migration. The mixed methods study leads the authors to conclude that a funnel of causality concept, path dependency, pro-social attitudes, and the concepts of moral panic and moral dialogue collectively lead to great insight into the question of why some communities are open and accepting while others are exclusionary.

356 pages. 

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In the Night Field book cover

McGill, Cameron

In the Night Field

Augury Books

Cameron McGill’s debut collection of poetry, In the Night Field, spotlights the effects of memory: its startling artistry, varied discontents, and casual fallibility. These poems chart the complex relationship between mental health and place; the difficult paths home can be lonely and circuitous, the emotional coordinates we map along the way a reminder of those intimate regions that hold and haunt us. These can be isolating passages, but are just as often fertile: “I walk further each day toward the strange / austerity my heart makes of reason.” Between the attentive, persistent self and the longed-for, absent other arises a fragmented conversation, an exchange that’s in a constant state of arrival. As McGill shows us, memories are a corrective, carrying back to us occasions for instruction, reconciliation, or in those astonishing flashes of clarity, what again hopes to be loved.

96 pages

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Ticker book cover

Neely, Mark


Lost Horse Press

Mark Neely's third collection, Ticker, follows the life of its main character, Bruce, as he navigates marriage, children, aging parents, politics, race, religion, global catastrophe, and the irrelevance of middle age. Throughout the book the dueling voices in Bruce's head, which range from comic to bitter to revelatory, compete for control of his inner life. From formal to freewheeling, Neely's poems showcase a unique and essential voice in American poetry

86 pages. 

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Ten Materials book cover

Norton, M. Grant

Ten Materials That Shaped Our World


This book examines ten materials—flint, clay, iron, gold, glass, cement, rubber, polyethylene, aluminum, and silicon—explaining how they formed, how we discovered them, why they have the properties they do, and how they have transformed our lives. Since the dawn of the Stone Age, we have shaped materials to meet our needs and, in turn, those materials have shaped us.

The fracturing of flint created sharp, curved surfaces that gave our ancestors an evolutionary edge. Molding clay and then baking it in the sun produced a means of recording the written word and exemplified human artistic imagination. As our ability to control heat improved, earthenware became stoneware and eventually porcelain, the most prized ceramic of all. Iron cast at high temperatures formed the components needed for steam engines, locomotives, and power looms—the tools of the Industrial Revolution. Gold has captivated humans for thousands of years and has recently found important uses in biology, medicine, and nanotechnology. Glass shaped into early and imperfect lenses not only revealed the microscopic world of cells and crystals, but also allowed us to discover stars and planets beyond those visible with the naked eye. Silicon revolutionized the computer, propelling us into the Information Age and with it our interconnected social networks, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.

Written by a materials scientist, this book explores not just why, but also how certain materials came to be so fundamental to human society. This enlightening study captivates anyone interested in learning more about the history of humankind, our ingenuity, and the materials that have shaped our world.

220 pages. 

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Editorial Universitaria de Valparaíso book cover

Ortiz Lorca, Marta & Navarro-Daniels, Vilma

En la Elocuencia del Silencio: Poesía

Edición crítica de la obra poética de Marta Ortiz Lorca

Editorial Universitaria de Valparaíso

Critical edition of the poems of Chilean writer, Marta Ortiz Lorca (Valparaíso, 1937.) Published by Editorial Universitaria de Valparaíso (EUV) (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso Press.) The book was selected as one of the awardees of the 2021 nationwide contest, Fondo del Libro, which consists of public funds granted by the Ministry of Cultures, Arts, and Heritage, Government of Chile.

216 Pages.

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Engaging Research Communities book cover

Phelps, Johanna L.

Engaging Research Communities in Writing Studies: Ethics, Public Policy, and Research Design (Routledge Research in Writing Studies)


This book invites readers to reconsider how writing studies researchers work with Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) on behalf of their communities and argues that engaging with IRBs during the research design process helps practitioners conduct research more quickly and effectively.

Using empirical data from both writing studies and extra-disciplinary contexts, Dr. Johanna Phelps presents findings from two discipline-wide studies, as well as metadata from two IRBs, to develop a principled engagement framework for writing studies researchers to interact with their communities. Phelps further examines the many facets of conducting research with human participants—from comprehending federal policy updates to pondering specific ethical issues to developing detailed research designs—and explores the confluence of ethics, policy, and methodology in a thoroughgoing philosophical investigation of writing studies as a public good.

216 Pages.

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Postmodern Realist Fiction book cover

Reed, T.V.

The Bloomsbury Introduction to Postmodern Realist Fiction Resisting Master Narratives


Postmodern realist fiction uses realism-disrupting literary techniques to make interventions into the real social conditions of our time. It seeks to capture the complex, fragmented nature of contemporary experience while addressing crucial issues like income inequality, immigration, the climate crisis, terrorism, ever-changing technologies, shifting racial, sex and gender roles, and the rise of new forms of authoritarianism. A lucid, comprehensive introduction to the genre as well as to a wide variety of voices, this book discusses more than forty writers from a diverse range of backgrounds, and over several decades, with special attention to 21st-century novels.

288 pages.

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Brandon Schram book cover

Schrand, Brandon R.

Psychiana Man: A Mail-Order Prophet, His Followers, and the Power of Belief in Hard Times

Washington State University Press

This full-length biography of Psychiana creator and mass-marketing genius Frank Bruce Robinson traces the improbable rise and fall of a flamboyant false prophet during the Great Depression. The voices of his unwavering followers—from a desperate dust bowl farmer to a former heavyweight boxing champion—paint an intriguing, intimate view of the power of belief in hard times.

414 pages.

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Dividing Paradise book cover

Sherman, Jennifer

Dividing Paradise Rural Inequality and the Diminishing American Dream

University of California Press

Late-stage capitalism is trying to remake rural America in its own image, and the resistance is telling. Small-town economies that have traditionally been based on logging, mining, farming, and ranching now increasingly rely on tourism, second-home ownership, and retirement migration. In Dividing Paradise, Jennifer Sherman tells the story of Paradise Valley, Washington, a rural community where amenity-driven economic growth has resulted in a new social landscape of inequality and privilege, with deep fault lines between old-timers and newcomers. In this complicated cultural reality, "class blindness" allows privileged newcomers to ignore or justify their impact on these towns, papering over the sentiments of anger, loss, and disempowerment of longtime locals.

Based on in-depth interviews with individuals on both sides of the divide, this book explores the causes and repercussions of the stark inequity that has become commonplace across the United States. It exposes the mechanisms by which inequality flourishes and by which Americans have come to believe that disparity is acceptable and deserved. Sherman, who is known for her work on rural America, presents here a powerful case study of the ever-growing tensions between those who can and those who cannot achieve their visions of the American dream.

288 pages.

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Pink Revolutions book cover

Shahani, Nishant

Pink Revolutions: Globalization, Hindutva, and Queer Triangles in Contemporary India (Critical Insurgencies)

Northwestern University Press

Pink Revolutions describes how queer politics in India occupies an uneasy position between the forces of neoliberal globalization, on the one hand, and the nationalist Hindu fundamentalism that has emerged since the 1990s, on the other. While neoliberal forces use queerness to highlight India’s democratic credentials and stature within a globalized world, nationalist voices claim that queer movements in the country pose a threat to Indian national identity. Nishant Shahani argues that this tension implicates queer politics within messy entanglements and knotted ideological triangulations, geometries of power in which local understandings of “authentic” nationalism brush up against global agendas of multinational capital.
Eschewing structures of absolute complicity or abject alterity, Pink Revolutions pays attention to the logics of triangulation in various contexts: gay tourism, university campus politics, diasporic cultural productions, and AIDS activism. The book articulates a framework through which queer politics can challenge rather than participate in neoliberal imperatives, an approach that will interest scholars engaged with queer studies and postcolonial scholarship, as well as activists and academics wrestling with global capitalism and right-wing regimes around the world.

304 pages. 

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Heresy and Citizenship book cover

Smelyansky, Eugene

Heresy and Citizenship : Persecution of Heresy in Late Medieval German Cities ...


Heresy and Citizenship examines the anti-heretical campaigns in late-medieval Augsburg, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Strasbourg, and other cities. By focusing on the unprecedented period of persecution between 1390 and 1404, this study demonstrates how heretical presence in cities was exploited in ecclesiastical, political, and social conflicts between the cities and their external rivals, and between urban elites.

These anti-heretical campaigns targeted Waldensians who believed in lay preaching and simplified forms of Christian worship. Groups of individuals identified as Waldensians underwent public penance, execution, or expulsion. In each case, the course and outcome of inquisitions reveal tensions between institutions within each city, most often between city councils and local bishops or archbishops. In such cases, competing sides used the persecution of heresy to assert their authority over others. As a result, persecution of urban Waldensians acquired meaning beyond mere correction of religious error. 

By placing the anti-heretical campaigns of this period in their socio-political and religious context, Heresy and Citizenship also engages with studies of social and political conflict in late medieval towns. It examines the role the exclusion of religiously and socially deviant groups played in the development of urban governments, and the rise of ideologies of good citizenship and the common good. It will be of interest to scholars and students interested in medieval urban and religious history, and the history of heresy and its persecution.

192 pages

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Corrections, The Essentials book cover

Stohr, Mary K. & Walsh, Anthony

Corrections, the Essentials


Authors Mary K. Stohr and Anthony Walsh introduce students to the history and development of correctional institutions, while offering a unique perspective on ethics and diversity. The Third Edition provides insights into the future of corrections as well as updated coverage of the most important issues impacting the field today.

464 pages

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Student Agency book cover

Vaughn, Margaret & Dyson, Anne Haas (Foreword)

Student Agency in the Classroom: Honoring Student Voice in the Curriculum

Teachers College Press

While student agency is considered an important aspect of classroom learning, opportunities to support and promote agency can be easily missed. This book addresses the inner dimensions of student agency to show what it is, why it is needed, and how it can be translated into instructional practices. In Part I, Locating Student Agency, Vaughn offers a model of agency that can become a core remedy for educators looking for new and better ways to support the learning of historically marginalized students. Part II, Growing Student Agency, illuminates opportunities during instruction where teachers can build upon student contributions. The book includes the voices of teachers who have transformed their classrooms, as well as compelling case stories rich with ideas that teachers can adopt in their own instruction. Student Agency in the Classroom will provide educators at every level, and across all disciplines, with the underlying research and theoretical rationale for this key educational force, along with the practical means to incorporate it into instruction and curriculum.

144 pages. 

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Teaching Children's Literature book cover

Vaughn, Margaret & Massey, Dixie D.

Foreword by Hiebert, Elfrieda H.

Teaching with Children's Literature Theory to Practice

Guilford Press

Perhaps no factor has a greater influence on children’s literacy learning than exposure to engaging, authentic, culturally relevant texts. This concise practitioner resource and course text helps K–8 teachers make informed choices about using children's literature in their classrooms, from selecting high-quality texts to planning instruction and promoting independent reading. The authors present relevant theories (such as reader response and culturally responsive pedagogy) and show how to apply them in practice. Key topics include teaching narrative and expository texts, tapping into students' individual interests, and conducting text-based writing activities and discussions. Every chapter features case examples, reflection questions, and learning activities for teachers; appendices list exemplary children’s literature.

164 pages. 

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Reason book cover

Weller, R., Charles R. & Emon, Anver (Eds.)

Reason, Revelation and Law in Islamic and Western Theory and History

Palgrave Macmillan

This book engages the diverse meanings and interpretations of Islamic and Western law which have affected people and societies across the globe, past and present, in correlation to the epistemological groundings of those meanings and interpretations. The volume takes a distinctively comparative approach, advancing dialogue on crucial transnational and global debates over the history of Western and Islamic approaches to law, politics and society and their relevance for today. It discusses how fundamental concepts are understood and even translated from one historical or political context or one semantic domain to another. The book provides focused studies of key figures and theories in a manageable, accessible format useful for specialized academic courses and research as well as general audiences.

These analyses will prove beneficial to scholars and students of religious studies, interreligious, intercultural, and international relations, political science, history, sociology, and related fields both within and beyond the Western and Islamic worlds, as well as generally educated readers who take interest in these issues and their ramifications.

174 pages.

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Crimson Reads 2022 Recording of Event

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To view the archived recording of Crimson Reads 2022 - follow this link:




2022 Crimson Reads Speakers:

Trevor Bond - Associate Dean for Digital Initiatives and Special Collections (Author of "Coming Home to Nez Perce Country: The Niimiipuu Campaign to Repatriate Their Exploited Heritage")

Nakia Williamson-Cloud - Director of the Nez Perce Tribe’s Cultural Resources Program

Cameron McGill - Department of English (Author of "In the Night Field")


Through this program, the University Libraries proudly supports Washington State University authors, as they share their successes in scholarship, creative thought, and professional achievements through published works.


Questions? Contact David Luftig (WSU Librarian)

Crimson Reads 2022 (Event Info)

2023 Crimson Reads

This event will take place during the WSU Showcase. More info coming soon!

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