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Crimson Reads: A Celebration of WSU Authored Books

This page celebrates scholarly monographs, fiction, and poetry published by WSU authors since 2010.

Author List: A-M

2023 WSU Crimson Reads Featured Books 

Authors: A-M

 List is alphabetized by first author (WSU authors are in bolded text)

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Teaching English book cover

Beach, Richard,  Boyd, Ashley S., Webb, Allen & Haertling Thein, Amanda

Teaching to Exceed in the English Language Arts A Justice, Inquiry, and Action Approach for 6-12 Classrooms (3rd Edition).


Timely, thoughtful, and comprehensive, this text directly supports pre-service and in-service teachers in developing curriculum and instruction that both addresses and exceeds the requirements of English language arts standards. It demonstrates how the Common Core State Standards as well as other local and national standards’ highest and best intentions for student success can be implemented from a critical, culturally relevant perspective firmly grounded in current literacy learning theory and research.

The third edition frames ELA instruction around adopting a justice, inquiry, and action approach that supports students in their schools and community contexts. Offering new ways to respond to current issues and events, the text provides specific examples of teachers employing the justice, inquiry, and action curriculum framework to promote critical engagement and learning. Chapters cover common problems and challenges, alternative models, and theories of language arts teaching. The framework, knowledge, and guidance in this book shows how ELA standards can not only be addressed but also surpassed through engaging instruction to foster truly diverse and inclusive classrooms.

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Cats! Book Cover

Berger, Justus & de Gruchy, Mark (Illustrator) 

Cats! Cats! Cats!

Independent Press

A children's book about cats!                                                                                                                            

Crossler Book Cover

Bélanger, France & Van Slyke, CraigCrossler, Robert E.

Information Systems for Business An Experiential Approach (4th Edition)

Prospect Press

Information Systems for Business takes an experiential approach, particularly through the use of learning activities interspersed throughout the book. This pedagogical design facilitates active learning, critical thinking, and retention. It also provides students the tools and basic knowledge they will need to continually figure out how new technologies are going to fit into their lives. This approach can be highly enjoyable for both students and instructors. This textbook is highly appropriate for innovative teaching modalities such as flipped classrooms and online learning as well as for traditional classrooms. 

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Bernando Book Cover

Bernardo, Daniel J.

The Interim: A Guide to Transition Leadership in Higher Education


WSU Press

Written for those in or considering a temporary academic leadership role, a past Washington State University interim president uses real-life examples from more than forty current and former acting administrators to provide a thoughtful step-by-step guide for navigating the interim experience and deriving maximum benefit.

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Peter Boag Book Cover

Boag, Peter G.

Pioneering Death The Violence of Boyhood in Turn-of-the-Century Oregon


University of Washington Press

On an autumn day in 1895, eighteen-year-old Loyd Montgomery shot his parents and a neighbor in a gruesome act that reverberated beyond the small confines of Montgomery's Oregon farming community. The dispassionate slaying and Montgomery's consequent hanging exposed the fault lines of a rapidly industrializing and urbanizing society and revealed the burdens of pioneer narratives boys of the time inherited.

In Pioneering Death, Peter Boag examines the Brownsville parricide as an allegory for the destabilizing transitions within the rural United States at the end of the nineteenth century. While pioneer families celebrated and memorialized founders of western white settler society, their children faced a present and future in frightening decline. Connecting a fascinating true-crime story with the broader forces that produced the murders, Boag uncovers how Loyd's violent acts reflected the brutality of American colonizing efforts, the anxieties of global capitalism, and the buried traumas of childhood in the American West.

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Brecher Book Cover

Brecher, Puck W.

Animal Care in Japanese Tradition A Short History


Columbia University Press

This volume provides an historical overview of Japan's relationship with animals from ancient times to the 1950s. Its analysis serves as a lens through which to scrutinize Japanese tradition and interrogate ahistorical claims about Japan’s culturally endemic empathy for the natural world. Departing from existing scholarship on the subject, the book also connects Japan’s much-maligned record of animal exploitation with its strong adherence to contextual, needs-based moral memory.

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Bridley et al. Book Cover

Bridley, Alexis, Daffin Jr, Lee W. & Cuttler, Carrie

Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders


Open Text WSU 

Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders is an Open Education Resource written by Alexis Bridley, Ph.D., Lee W. Daffin Jr., Ph.D., and Carrie Cuttler, Ph.D. through Washington State University. It tackles the difficult topic of psychological disorders in 9 chapters. After the first three foundational chapters, a discussion of psychological disorders ensues to include anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, mood disorders, dissociative disorders, schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, and personality disorders.

Open Educational Resource

Yoga for positive book cover

Cook-Cottone, Catherine, Cox, Anne E.Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne &  Tylka, Tracy L. (Editors)

Yoga for Positive Embodiment in Eating Disorder Prevention and Treatment



There is a growing body of research exploring the effectiveness of yoga as a pathway to positive embodiment for those at-risk for and struggling with eating disorders. This book provides a comprehensive look at the state of the field.

This book begins with an introduction to positive embodiment, eating disorders, and yoga. It also offers insights into the personal journey of each of the editors as they share what brought them to this work. The first section of this book explores the empirical and conceptual rationale for approaching eating disorder prevention and treatment through the lens of embodiment and yoga. The next section of the text integrates the history of embodiment theory as related to yoga and eating disorders, provides the logic model for change and guidance for researchers, and offers a critical social justice perceptive of the work to date. The third section addresses the efficacy of yoga in the prevention and treatment of eating disorders including a comprehensive review and meta-analysis as well as five research studies demonstrating the various approaches to exploring the preventative and therapeutic effects of yoga for disordered eating. The final section of this book closes with a chapter on future directions and offers guidance for what is next in both practice and research.

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special edition of Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention.

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Intro to political book cover

Cottam, Martha L., Mastors, Elena, Preston, Thomas & Dietz, Beth

Introduction to Political Psychology (4th Edition)



Introduction to Political Psychology explores the many psychological patterns that influence individual political behavior. The authors introduce readers to a broad range of theories, concepts, and case studies of political activity, arguing that individuals are driven or motivated to act in accordance with personality characteristics, values, beliefs, and attachments to groups. The book explains many aspects of political behavior—whether seemingly pathological actions or normal decision-making practices, which sometimes work optimally, and sometimes fail.

Thoroughly updated throughout, the book examines patterns of political behavior in areas including leadership, group behavior, voting, race, nationalism, terrorism, and war. This edition features coverage of the 2016 election and profiles former U.S. President Donald Trump, while also including updated data on race relations and extremist groups in the United States. Global issues are also considered, with case studies focused on Myanmar and Syria, alongside coverage of social issues including Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movement.

Accessibly written and comprehensive in scope, it is an essential companion for all graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of psychology, political science, and political psychology. It will also be of interest to those in the policy-making community, especially those looking to learn more about the extent to which perceptions, personality, and group dynamics affect the policy-making arena.

It is accompanied by a set of online instructor resources.

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Modern Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy Book Cover

de Gorter, HarryMcCluskey, Jill, Swinnen, John & Zilberman, David (Editors)

Modern Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy: Essays in Honor of Gordon Rausser



Celebrates the life and career of agricultural and resource economist Gordon C. Rausser

Provides a critical overview of the emerging literature in natural resource economics

Analyzes new research about consumer behavior, public perceptions of agriculture and food systems

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Eddy et al. Book Cover

Eddy, Robert & Ghazanfar, S.M. (Editors)

From Columbus to Churchill: Heroes, Villains, and Confronting Racism


Mazda Publishers

This edited volume presents a collection of essays on seven prominent Western historical figures. It is argued that these figures are so firmly canonized for their “unquestioned greatness” that the darker side of the historical process is either overlooked or deliberately suppressed. This book documents the “other” side of these seven famous figures--Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Afonso de Albuquerque, Andrew Jackson, King Leopold II, Cecil John Rhodes, and Winston Churchill. An additional essay focuses on the roles of several real pirates of the Caribbean, including Sir Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Sir John Hawkins, Captain Kidd, and Calico Jack. Indeed, the voyages and conquests of Columbus, da Gama, and de Albuquerque were grounded in the 15th-century Papal Bulls, together known as the “Doctrine of Discovery:” “to invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans and … to reduce them to perpetual slavery. . . and to capture great wealth by force of arms from the Infidels.” Multiracial full-voiced equality and dignity for all human groups is the commitment of this book in presenting a fair and open analysis of the figures and issues represented. The USA becomes a color majority/white minority country in the next fifteen to twenty years. We have to speed up preparing for the profound opportunities for cooperation and the significant challenges of even fuller racial separations resulting from these developing and overwhelming racial transformations. This book helps us do such intellectual and emotional work of preparing to fully--for all racial groups--becoming a “‘United’ States of America.” Written by well-established scholars, each essay is based on well-documented, authentic sources.

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Fransson Book Cover

Fransson, Boel A. Mayhew, Philipp D. (Editors)

Small Animal Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy


John Wiley & Sons, Inc

The newly revised Second Edition of Small Animal Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy is a rigorous update of the first book to provide comprehensive and current information about minimally invasive surgery in dogs and cats. With a focus on techniques in rigid endoscopy, the book also includes guidance on additional surgeries outside the abdomen and chest. New chapters describe newly developed surgical techniques, while existing chapters have been thoroughly updated.

The authors include detailed stepwise instructions for each procedure, including clinical photographs. Pre-operative considerations, patient positioning, portal placement, and postoperative care are also discussed, with key points of consideration outlined for each surgery.

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Gursoy et al. Book Cover

Gursoy, Dogan, Buttle, Francis & Bowie, David 

Hospitality Marketing Principles and Practices (4th Edition)



Hospitality Marketing is an introductory textbook which shows readers how to apply the principles of marketing within the hospitality industry.

The fourth edition contains examples and case studies exemplifying how ideas and concepts discussed within its chapters can be successfully applied to a real-life work situation, with an emphasis throughout on topical issues such as sustainable marketing, corporate social responsibility and relationship marketing. It also describes the impact that the Internet has had on both marketing and hospitality, using a variety of tools including a wide range of Internet learning activities. 

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Gursoy and Sedat Book Cover

Gursoy, Dogan & Çelik, Sedat (Editors)

Routledge Handbook of Social Psychology of Tourism


Taylor & Francis

The impacts of tourism, an increasingly crucial area of study amongst researchers, are primarily investigated through economic, socio-cultural or environmental perspectives. The social psychological effects of tourism have not been adequately researched despite often being much more important for many destinations, especially where conflicts among different stakeholders exist. This book investigates the social psychological effects of tourism within the scope of social psychology theory.

This book introduces the concept of social psychology, as distinct from psychology and sociology, and its relationship to tourism, examines tourism within various theoretical frameworks, e.g. career ladder theory and Maslow’s 7 hierarchy, explores the ways in which tourism changes attitudes and finally investigates social psychological issues in tourism business.

It is an important resource for advanced undergraduates, graduate students and relevant practitioners in the field of tourism, and in some cases for a broader public in the field of social psychology.

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Covid Tourism book cover

Gursoy, Dogan, Sarıışık, Mehmet, Nunkoo, Robin & Boğan, Erhan  (Editors)

COVID-19 and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry 


Edward Elgar Publising

Offering a comprehensive understanding of the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the tourism and hospitality industry, this book discusses the topic from economic, sociological and psychological perspectives. Critical case studies are used to explore both micro impacts on individuals involved in the industry and governmental and international responses to issues posed by the pandemic more broadly.

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Gursoy Tourism Book COver

Gursoy, Dogan & Pratap Singh Kaurav, Rahul (Editors)

Handbook on Tourism and Social Media


Edward Elgar Publishing

This comprehensive Handbook offers an overview of current research on the use of social media within the tourism industry, investigating a range of social media practices and proposing strategies to address key challenges faced by tourist destinations and operators.

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Munson Book Cover

Heizer, Jay, Render, Barry & Munson, Chuck

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (14th Edition)



Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management focuses on the key strategic decisions of operations managers. The text also provides behind-the-scenes insights into how operations work within an organization.

In this 14th Edition, a wealth of examples, solved problems, homework assignments, cases, and other learning resources help you better understand concepts important to today's operations management professionals.

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French et al. Book Cover

Hidalgo Montesinos, María Dolores, French, Brian F., Finch, Holmes & Immekus, Jason C.

Share Psicometría Aplicada Usando SPSS y AMOS


Information Age Publishing

The goal of the book is to provide readers with the tools necessary for assessing the psychometric qualities of educational and psychological measures as well as surveys and questionnaires. Each chapter will cover an issue pertinent to psychometric and measurement practice, with an emphasis on application. Topics will be briefly discussed from a theoretical/technical perspective in order to provide the reader with the background necessary to correctly use and interpret the statistical analyses that will be presented subsequently.

The anticipated audience for this book includes researchers, practitioners, and graduate students searching for a guide to perform common psychometric analyses on various assessments, as discussed in many psychometric texts. We envision that this text will (a) patiently wait on some office shelves begging to be handed to a student as a resource, (b) have a permanent home on desks where it continually rises to the top of the stacks for daily use of the applied researcher, (c) be happily carried in bags to and from work and class by the graduate student learning techniques, (d) be listed proudly as a reference text on syllabi, and finally (e) as an occasional drink coaster while deep thoughts are pondered about how to solve measurement problems. We hope that through such uses, particularly the latter, that we have provided some insight and assistance to the user in appropriately applying the techniques and concepts discussed.

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Teaching Chinese book cover

Hsieh, Kevin, Cooper, Yichien & Lu, Lilly

Teaching Chinese Arts & Culture: Content, Context and Pedagogy


International Society of Education through Art (InSEA) Publications

With over five thousand years of civilization, the characteristics and inter-disciplinary features of Chinese arts & culture are great resources that art educators can use to achieve culturally responsive teaching. The content knowledge, pedagogies, and context information offered in this book will be beneficial to a variety of K-16 art classrooms. The various perspectives presented allow art educators to adapt, create their own curriculum, and develop culturally appropriate pedagogies and strategies uniquely geared toward their students’ needs and the school’s requirements.

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Reimagining realism book cover

Johanningsmeier, Charles A. & McCarthy, Jessica E. (Editors)

Reimagining Realism: A New Anthology of Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century American Short Fiction


Ohio University Press

This fresh, diverse anthology of American short fiction challenges readers to interrogate commonly held ideas about the genres of realism and naturalism. Little-known writers and crucial voices from underrepresented groups join stalwarts such as Stephen Crane, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Mark Twain to offer a more inclusive perspective on American history and culture from the Civil War through World War I.

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Lewis et al. Book Cover

Lewis, Norman G., Davin, Laurence B., Munasinghe, V. Ranjit N., & Roberts, Andrew (Editors)

The Lignan Handbook


CRC Press

Lignans are aromatic compounds isolated from plants. This handbook presents an authoritative and comprehensive review of lignan chemistry, biochemistry, nomenclature, uses, and occurrence. Lignans are used in a wide variety of industries and this book will appeal to those working in the pulp and paper industries, renewable energy, specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, flavors and fragrances, agriculture and forestry, evolution and ecology.

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Ecocritical book cover

Lupinacci, JohnHappel-Parkins, Alison & Turner, Rita (Editors)

Ecocritical Perspectives in Teacher Education



In Ecocritical Perspectives in Teacher Education, the editors share a collection of chapters from diverse critical scholars in teacher education.

Teachers, and their students, are faced with demands that require teacher educators to work toward better preparing them to teach in a changed world—a world where diversity, human rights, sustainability, and democracy must be paramount. This text calls together teacher educators who address the complex ways that social and environmental injustices—like racism, sexism, classism, ableism, and speciesism—weave together to produce dangerous conditions for all life. The volume shares with readers a glimpse into alternatives possible for teaching that are situational, local, and in support of social justice and sustainability.

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Mageo Book Cover

Mageo, Jeannette Marie

The Mimetic Nature of Dream Mentation: American Selves in Re-formation


Springer (Cham)

Brings together a diversity of approaches to studying dreams from across the humanities and social sciences

Using over a decade of research, this book connects dream studies to anthropological ideas about cultural models

Offers an account of twenty-first century Northwestern Americans and those living on their fringes

Part of the book series: Culture, Mind, and Society(CMAS)

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Shame book cover

Maierhofer, Grant



University of Alabama Press

Shame is a daring exploration of the potential and limits of memory and self. Here we meet Grant Maierhofer at various points within his life then, now, and in the future as he investigates the sense of shame that haunts the course of his days. The real and unreal, fact and fiction, blur together in a Kaufmanesque sequence of overlapping narratives about who we really are, how we cope with regret, and the repetitions of our behavior.

Through lists, fragments, recollections, and rants, the story of a son’s vexing grief for his father emerges. A sober addict trying to figure out how to navigate pleasure, diversion, and escape. A father trying to figure out marriage, children, maturity, and responsibility. A confused observer in a world constantly torn apart by media, politics, and aggression. A meditation on the nature of art, and art’s place in contemporary life.

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Neuropsychology of everyday book cover

Marcotte, Thomas D., Schmitter-Edgecombe, Maureen Grant, Igor (Editors)

Psychology as a Science and a Profession


Guilford Press

The go-to resource for assessing and predicting functional abilities in persons with brain injury or cognitive decline has now been revised and expanded to reflect significant advances in the field. With a focus on key real-world capacities—independent living, vocational functioning, medication management, and driving—leading experts explore how individuals go about their daily lives, where and why disruptions occur, and potential opportunities for improving function. Strategies for direct assessment are reviewed, from standard neuropsychological tests to multimodal approaches and technology-based tools. Chapters also provide functional assessment guidance for specific neurological and psychiatric conditions: dementia, traumatic brain injury, depression, schizophrenia, and others.

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Author List: N-Z

2023 WSU Crimson Reads Featured Books 

Authors: N-Z

 List is alphabetized by first author (WSU authors are in bolded text)


Our body book cover

Nicolas, Melissa & Sicari, Anna (Editors)

Our Body of Work: Embodied Administration and Teaching


University of Colorado Press

Our Body of Work invites administrators and teachers to consider how physical bodies inform everyday work and labor as well as research and administrative practices in writing programs. Combining academic and personal essays from a wide array of voices, it opens a meaningful discussion about the physicality of bodily experiences in the academy.

Open exchanges enable complex and nuanced conversations about intersectionality and how racism, sexism, classism, and ableism (among other “isms”) create systems of power. Contributors examine how these conversations are framed around work, practices, policies, and research and identify ways to create inclusive, embodied practices in writing programs and classrooms. The collection is organized to maximize representation in the areas of race, gender, identity, ability, and class by featuring scholarly chapters followed by narratively focused interchapters that respond to and engage with the scholarly work.

The honest and emotionally powerful stories in Our Body of Work expose problematic and normalizing policies, practices, and procedures and offer diverse theories and methodologies that provide multiple paths for individuals to follow to make the academy more inclusive and welcoming for all bodies. It will be an important resource for researchers, as well a valuable addition to graduate and undergraduate syllabi on embodiment, writing instruction/pedagogy, and WPA work.

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O'Rourke Book Cover

O’Rourke, Desmond

Tree Fruit Trade: An Agricultural Economist Reviews Fifty Years of Washington State's Key Orchard Crops


WSU Press

Longtime agricultural economist Desmond O’Rourke wrote Tree Fruit Trade both as a tribute and a cautionary tale. Along with personal anecdotes, he describes major players and organizations, chronicles challenges, and discusses new threats and the impact of computerized technology. He recounts battles for foreign market access and the ongoing campaign to ensure adequate labor. Finally, he analyzes how adequate water to the Columbia Basin’s large expanse of flat land allowed dramatic production increases as well as the ability to design orchards suited to modern tree architecture.

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Peterson Book Cover

Petersen, Keith C.

Inventing Idaho: The Gem State's Eccentric Shape


WSU Press

As Idaho's State Historian, the question author Keith C. Petersen heard most was, "How did Idaho get such a strange shape?" In this book, he answers that popular inquiry, breaking the state's intriguing border story into six sections covering the fascinating events and people involved in creating the peculiar borders-boundaries that have held enormous influence on much of Idaho's political, economic, and cultural history

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Centering youth book cover

Rodela, Katherine C. & Bertrand, Melanie (Editors)

Centering Youth, Family, and Community in School Leadership Case Studies for Educational Equity and Justice



This timely book advances a new vision for educational justice centered on the leadership activities, organizing efforts, and counternarratives of youth, parents, families, and communities of color and other groups who are seeking to transform local schools and communities across the United States. Bringing together scholars, activists, and leaders, this contributed volume presents cases and first-person narratives for readers to analyze in order to interrogate inequities facing communities and schools. By creating spaces for youth, family, and community leadership within schools and opening decision-making to include their input, leaders can support transformative, justice-oriented school change. This book is a critical teaching tool asking educators and administrators to reflect, learn, and re-imagine their practice and collaborate with other leaders in their communities.

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Saberi Book Cover

Saberi, Ali, Stoorvogel, Anton A., Zhang, Meirong & Sannuti, Peddapullaiah

Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Disturbances and Delays



Comprehensively explores the synchronization of both homogeneous & heterogeneous multi-agent systems Examines a broad class of multi-agent systems using techniques such as robust control Combines classical & modern control problems & results to address highly advanced topics in multi-agent systems Part of the book series: Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications (SCFA)

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Oxford encyclopedia book cover

Stern, Eric, Fischbacher-Smith, Denis, Kuipers, Sanneke, McConnell, Allan, Nohrstedt, Daniel &  Preston, Thomas (Editors)

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis


Oxford Research Encyclopedias

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis will provide an authoritative overview of the central theoretical approaches, methodologies, and substantive topics of crisis-related research. All of the articles will appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.

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Hospitality our world book cover

Thompson, Anthony M., Harbour, James M. & Swanger, Nancy A.

Hospitality: Our World, Your Opportunity (2nd Edition)


Kendall Hunt

Welcome to the world of hospitality with its vast array of opportunities for you! People around the globe travel, eat, sleep, and play—creating a plethora of activities in which you can be involved. Throughout Hospitality: Our World, Your Opportunity, we will introduce and explore various segments of the hospitality industry and the role they play for the travelling public. People travel for many different reasons, but all are in need of care when they are away from home. This care is at the heart of the hospitality industry and this is where you come in.

While it may sound a bit cliché, we really are in the people business. Fancy buildings and fun rides are nothing until fun-loving, others-directed people, like you, are added to the mix. The hospitality industry is demand driven, and guests will simply take their business elsewhere if they are not made to feel welcome. Imagine having the power to create amazing memories for those with whom you come in contact each and every day. We hope you get excited about this industry as you work your way through Hospitality: Our World, Your Opportunity. Some subjects and segments of hospitality will be more exciting to you than others, and that is okay. With so much diversity, there are bound to be some segments more engaging to you than others. Focus on what moves and motivates you; however, never shut the door on any of the others as you don’t yet know which opportunity might present itself, and inspire you, later in life. The hospitality industry is one of the largest in the world, and a career path can take you across the street or around the globe. So get out there—start exploring, learning, and living; the hospitality industry needs you!


Virtual Interiorites Book One Book cover

Vahdat, Vahid, Gottwald, Dave & Turner-Rahman, Gregory 

Virtual Interiorities: When Worlds Collide (Book One)


Carnegie Mellon ETC Press

Contemporary virtual reality is often discussed in terms of popular consumer hardware. Yet the virtual we increasingly experience comes in many forms and is often more complex than wearable signifiers.This three-volume collection of essays examines the virtual beyond the headset. Virtual Interiorities offers multiple, sometimes unexpected entry points to virtuality—theme parks, video games, gyms, pilgrimage sites, theater, art installations, screens, drones, film, and even national identity. What all these virtual interiorities share are compelling cultural perspectives on distinct moments of environmental collision and collusion, liminality, and shifting modes of inhabitation, which challenge more conventional architectural conceptions of space.

When Worlds Collide explores the ongoing present continuum between the virtual and the physical. Each essay here pointedly addresses that more and more of our spatial experiences are not conceived of architecturally, and that a variety of mediated environments are now situated squarely between what we inhabit and what we see.

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Vahdat, Vahid, Gottwald, Dave & Turner-Rahman, Gregory 

Virtual Interiorities: The Myth of Total Virtuality (Book Two)


Carnegie Mellon ETC Press

Contemporary virtual reality is often discussed in terms of popular consumer hardware. Yet the virtual we increasingly experience comes in many forms and is often more complex than wearable signifiers. This three-volume collection of essays examines the virtual beyond the headset. Virtual Interiorities offers multiple, sometimes unexpected entry points to virtuality—theme parks, video games, gyms, pilgrimage sites, theater, art installations, screens, drones, film, and even national identity. What all these virtual interiorities share are compelling cultural perspectives on distinct moments of environmental collision and collusion, liminality, and shifting modes of inhabitation, which challenge more conventional architectural conceptions of space.

The Myth of Total Virtuality sets aside more common real/unreal spatial dichotomies in the literature to reinforce that the virtual is inherently an experience and not a representation. Each chapter examines a distinct experiential mode, whether within the built environment, an interactive digital world, or within film.

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Virtual Interiorities Book 3 Book cover

Vahdat, Vahid, Gottwald, Dave & Turner-Rahman, Gregory 

Virtual Interiorities: Senses of Place and Space  (Book Three)


Carnegie Mellon ETC Press

Contemporary virtual reality is often discussed in terms of popular consumer hardware. Yet the virtual we increasingly experience comes in many forms and is often more complex than wearable signifiers.This three-volume collection of essays examines the virtual beyond the headset. Virtual Interiorities offers multiple, sometimes unexpected entry points to virtuality—theme parks, video games, gyms, pilgrimage sites, theater, art installations, screens, drones, film, and even national identity. What all these virtual interiorities share are compelling cultural perspectives on distinct moments of environmental collision and collusion, liminality, and shifting modes of inhabitation, which challenge more conventional architectural conceptions of space.

Senses of Place and Space steps beyond environments to look more closely at inhabitation, time, non-space, and placelessness. Each piece gathered in this final volume touches on how we exist—or might exist—in emerging virtual constructs, as well as how those constructs shift our perceptions through fluidity, pervasiveness, and altered vantages.

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Law, Justice book cover

Walsh, Anthony & Hemmens, Craig

Law, Justice, and Society: A Sociolegal Introduction (5th Edition)


Oxford University Press

An accessible and lively introduction to the field, Law, Justice, and Society: A Sociolegal Introduction, Fifth Edition, explores the relationship between legal systems and other social institutions using a distinctive sociological point of view. Anthony Walsh and Craig Hemmens provide detailed discussions of the various ways in which law impacts people based on race, class, gender, and age while also introducing students to the origins of the law, the history and development of the American legal system, the sociology of law, court structure, and the difference between civil and criminal law.

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Zhang book cover

Li, Minzan, Yang, Chenghai & Zhang, Qin

Soil and Crop Sensing for Precision Crop Production



First book discussing the fundamentals of those emerging technologies in agriculture

Authors are top level experts in their specific areas of research and technology development

Basic principles of precision agriculture introduced are applicable to agricultural production

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