Sometimes, due to our subscriptions, we do not have access to journals or articles. Never fear! We can order them for you for free. They usually take about 24-48 hours to arrive, scanned in your email. Here is the link on how to request articles (never pay for an article - always ask!). This goes for primary sources too, sometimes we can get scanned copies.
The following library databases will be helpful to you when searching for scholarly journal articles.
You can ALSO find articles on Search It, using the filters on the left side (Peer-reviewed and Articles). Try this first - but then try the subject-specific databases, as they will bring back results more focused in your subject area. Further, JSTOR will search WITHIN the article better than Search It. This is really useful when searching for any reference to really specific things like names of ships, people, revolts, towns, etc. that you might not find in an abstract or title.
Sometimes Google does a better job of searching available articles than Search It. Did you know that you can link Google Scholar to the Search It? Anytime you see an article you like, it will let you know if we have it available. Please note: You should NEVER pay for an article. We can order them for you for free! Please ask a librarian to help if you haven't done this before. The following tutorial/video will help you link this: