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ME406 Research Guide

A guide to help you find all the resources needed for ME 406

Find Government Reports & Technical Info

Below are some helpful links for finding U.S. Government technical reports and data sets - The U.S. Government's main repository for data sets and reports. - Gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results. Statistics - Links to government statistics covering a wide range of disciplines and topics.

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications - A searchable database of federal publications that includes links to those which are full-text online.

Government Documents Search Engines - A list of U.S. government online repositories with search capabilities. 

Find Government Reports in the WSU Libraries Catalog

You can also locate U.S. Government reports and documents within the WSU Libraries search catalog.

To do this, conduct a search and then use the left side navigation to limit your results to "Government Documents."

Find government documents through the WSU Libraries catalog

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us