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Showing 54 Databases

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Full text of every journal article, conference proceeding and newsletter ever published by the Association for Computing Machinery.
“Not all vendors are able to use OpenAthens Federated Access to authenticate users. If you need to access resources from this vendor, please do not use the OpenAthens institutional login on their website. Instead, start from the WSU Libraries Search It tool or Datbases AZ list. Once we move completely to OpenAthens, sign in will be possible directly through the vendor website."
Search the journals of the American Chemical Society.
AGRICOLA contains bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library.
AGRIS is the international information system for the agricultural sciences and technology. It was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1974, to facilitate information exchange and to bring together world literature dealing with all aspects of agriculture. AGRIS is a cooperative system in which participating countries input references to the literature produced within their boundaries and, in return, draw on the information provided by the other participants. To date, 240 national, international and intergovernmental centers participate.
E-Print ArXiv is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for research papers. It covers areas such as physics and related disciplines, mathematics, nonlinear sciences, and computer science.
This site provides access to the publications of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers: Standards, Journals, some annual and section meeting papers, conference proceedings and assorted other publications.
ASCE Journals are the premier source of technical information for the civil engineering profession and form the core collection in the field Ñ 30 journals available in print and online. The online journal archive contains over 28,000 articles, more than 300,000 pages, published since 1990.
ASM International, the Materials Information Society, is the premiere resource for information and networking for materials engineers, scientists, researchers, teachers, and students. ##ASM Handbooks Online features the complete content of twenty ASM Handbook volumes plus two ASM Desk Editions.
The ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library is a collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information. The Library covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
The ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library is a collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information. The Library covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, published by the Getty Research Institute, a comprehensive American guide to the current literature of architecture and design. This database surveys more than 2,500 US and foreign journals. The index covers international, scholarly and popular periodical literature, including publications of professional associations; US state and regional periodicals; and major serial publications in the architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia. In addition, this database also provides nearly 13,000 citation records for architects' obituaries.
The most comprehensive biological sciences research index, including the most important discoveries, significant influences and relevant connections. The new BIOSIS Citation Index combines the unique BIOSIS content that is critical to life sciences research with powerful citation indexing.
BIOSIS Previews¨ is the online version of Biological Abstracts¨ and Biological Abstracts/RRM¨ (Reports, Reviews, and Meetings), the largest collection of biological sciences records in the world.
The Book Citation Index is designed to enhance the powerful discovery and analysis capabilities of Web of Knowledge by incorporating comprehensive book citation data. Researchers can search for and identify the most relevant and esteemed literature along with peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings already indexed in Web of Knowledge, enabling users to navigate the links in citations across books, journals and proceedings. Books are indexed at the chapter level, resulting in improved searches and deeper insights into the citing behavior between books and the wider world of scholarly research.
Dept. of Transportation; U.S. travel and transportation stats.
Citations with abstracts to the world literature on all aspects of agriculture including forestry and nutrition. Updated weekly. Contains all data from these individual CABI indexes: Agroforestry Abstracts, Field Crop Abstracts, Forest Products Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, Grassland and forage Abstracts, Horticultural Abstracts, Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts, Nutrition Abstracts : Human Nutrition, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Potato Abstracts, Review of Plant Pathology, Seed Abstracts, Soils and Fertilizers, Weed Abstracts, Wheat Barley and Triticale Abstracts.
“Not all vendors are able to use OpenAthens Federated Access to authenticate users. If you need to access resources from this vendor, please do not use the OpenAthens institutional login on their website. Instead, start from the WSU Libraries Search It tool or Datbases AZ list. Once we move completely to OpenAthens, sign in will be possible directly through the vendor website."
Searchable database of chemical structures. Includes substructure searching.
Indexes documents and citation information from a large number of science disciplines, but the literature of computer science is the most thoroughly indexed. Provides citation indexing search capability.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index, accessed via Web of Scienceª Core Collection, helps researchers access the published literature from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions worldwide. This resource offers a complete view of conference proceedings and their impact on global research, letting you use cited reference searching to track emerging ideas and new research beyond what is covered in the journal literature. Two editions cover the sciences and social sciences.
Current Contents Connect¨ is a current awareness database that provides easy Web access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information, and abstracts from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals, as well as from more than 7,000 relevant, evaluated websites.
Derwent Innovations Index® facilitates rapid, precise patent searching, letting you conduct patent and citation searches of inventions in chemical, electrical, electronic, and mechanical engineering. This resource merges the value-added patent information from Derwent World Patents Index® with the patent citation information from Derwent Patent Citation Index®. You can use additional descriptive information and coding to quickly grasp a patent's significance and its relationship to other patents. Reduce duplication of R&D; track competitors' activities; detect and avoid patent infringement; identify potential gaps in the marketplace and possible licensing opportunities.
The directory is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books under Open Access licenses. These publications are Open Access and meet academic standards for scholarly materials. The aim of the DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books.
Full text of over 9000 books on a variety of topics. Requires user to set up an account from a computer on campus.
esp@cenetÊcontains all the patent documentation available to EPO examiners and the latest patent applications from all the EPO member states.
Dedicated to the analysis of protein sequences and structures as well as 2-D PAGE. Provides links to a variety of databases, software, education services, etc. on this subject
Produced by the American Geological Institute, GeoRef is a comprehensive geoscience database containing over 2.2 million bibliographic records from more than 3,000 journals and other sources. GeoRef provides coverage in subject areas such as mineralogy and crystallography, general mineralogy, mineralogy of silicates, and mineralogy of non-silicates.
Includes references to geoscience publications which have been added to the GeoRef production system in the current week. This is the most up-to-date source for citations that eventually are added to the GeoRef database.
The most comprehensive patent search on the web.
GreenFILE covers all aspects of human impact to the environment. It includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for approximately 295,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,600 records.
High North Research Documents is a searchable database for freely available (open access) research documents within the thematic scope of the circumpolar high north, covering all subject areas.
This website lets you search the Hydrocarbon Impacts (HI) database, which describes 7000 publications and research projects about the environmental impacts, socio-economic effects and regulation of hydrocarbon exploration, development and transportation in northern Canada.
INFORMS publications covering management and operations research.
Knovel provides access to online handbooks containing data for scientists and engineers
Materials Science Forum specializes in the rapid publication of international conference proceedings and stand-alone volumes on topics of current interest in Materials Science, Solid State Physics and Solid State Chemistry.
A searchable, multidisciplinary collection of Electronic Books published by the National Academies Press.
The print index, Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities (DDAAU), is now available digitally as American Doctoral Dissertations 1933-1955ª. EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston worked together to digitize the content and build the free database from the volumes originally published by the H.W. Wilson Company. This effort was made possible through a donation from the H.W. Wilson Foundation.
Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one.
Provides full text of WSU authored dissertations and theses. Some WSU resources may have an embargo period and not be available.
It contains MEDLINE, a database of biomedical citations with abstracts covering over 4,800 journals from 1966 to the present; in-process citations; and OLDMEDLINE citations to pre-1966 articles. Updated daily.
This link to PubMed is for those affiliated with WSU. PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Search RSC journals, including the flagship journal Chemical Communications. Online full text is available for many titles.
This resource searches the citations to the publications and services of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Citations are displayed free of charge - more information costs money.
Designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method, SAGE Research Methods includes more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research.
“Not all vendors are able to use OpenAthens Federated Access to authenticate users. If you need to access resources from this vendor, please do not use the OpenAthens institutional login on their website. Instead, start from the WSU Libraries Search It tool or Datbases AZ list. Once we move completely to OpenAthens, sign in will be possible directly through the vendor website."
Journals in applied and computational mathematics.
A subject gateway to soil surveys, soil geography, major land resource areas (MLRA) and ecological regions (CER), and a soil geochemistry spatial database.
Search U.S. government technical reports issued primarily prior to 1975 and digitized by the TRAIL Working Groups.
Contains records for printed and web-based compilations of thermochemical and thermophysical data for chemical compounds and other substances. It is based mainly on the holdings of the Mallet Chemistry Library at the University of Texas at Austin.
Search 158,000 companies, 63,669 product & service classification headings and 135,415 brand names ##Access to 7,782 online supplier catalogs and company web sites.
Transportation Research Information Database (TRID) combines the records from Transportation Research Board's TRIS (Transportation Research Information Services) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's ITRD (International Transport Research Documentation). TRID provides access to books, technical reports, conference proceedings, and journal articles in the field of transportation research worldwide.
Covers U.S. Utility, Design and Plant Patents Contents include images for patents since 1790. To view image the user is required to download a non-standard tiff viewer fromÊ
Includes Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences and Science Citation indexes, Journal Citation Reports, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Citation Index, Derwent Innovations patent searching, MEDLINE, and Zoological Record. Updated weekly.
Books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Over 30 million records. Simplified search interface available to the general public. Updated daily.

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