Scifinder Scholar is the premier database for journal and patent literature covering chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and biomedical sciences.
Scfinder Scholar includes the following databases:
- Chemical Abstracts (1907-present): Covers international journals, patents, technical reports, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations from all areas of chemistry and related sciences. This database also allows for citing and cited reference searches.
- Chemical Abstracts Registry Database: A chemical dictionary and structure database that contains unique substance records produced as new substances and are identified by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry System.
- CASREACT: A chemical reaction database with information derived from documents covered in the Organic Sections of Chemical Abstracts journals. The document-based file contains both single-step and multistep reactions, and CA Abstract Number is the Accession Number in the file.
- Chemcats (Chemical Catalogs Online): A catalog file that contains listings of companies that sell chemicals worldwide.
- Chemlist (Regulated Chemicals Listing) (1979-present): Contains chemical substances on national and transnational inventories.