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The first time you use SciFinder-n, you will need to register for a database account.

  • Navigate to SciFinder-n using this first time registration link
  • Click on ‘Next’ on the welcome page. Read the license agreement and click ‘Accept’
  • This will take you to a form to enter your contact information, username, password, and security question. Click Register when you are finished.
  • Check your email for a message from and click on the link provided to confirm your registration.

The next and all future times, access the database through the WSU-affiliated access link above. Use the username and password you created at registration.


Scifinder Scholar is the premier database for journal and patent literature covering chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and biomedical sciences.

Scfinder Scholar includes the following databases:

  • Chemical Abstracts (1907-present): Covers international journals, patents, technical reports, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations from all areas of chemistry and related sciences. This database also allows for citing and cited reference searches.
  • Chemical Abstracts Registry Database: A chemical dictionary and structure database that contains unique substance records produced as new substances and are identified by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry System.
  • CASREACT: A chemical reaction database with information derived from documents covered in the Organic Sections of Chemical Abstracts journals. The document-based file contains both single-step and multistep reactions, and CA Abstract Number is the Accession Number in the file.
  • Chemcats (Chemical Catalogs Online): A catalog file that contains listings of companies that sell chemicals worldwide.
  • Chemlist (Regulated Chemicals Listing) (1979-present): Contains chemical substances on national and transnational inventories.

Scifinder-n help

Contact the subject librarian to schedule individual or group/class training on how to use SciFinder-n.

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us