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HISTORY 366: The Cold War

Images of the Cold War

This guide provides links for finding and identifying images related to the history of the Cold War. To navigate to various sections of the guide, use the tabs to the left. To contact the librarian for this session, email Erin Hvizdak: You can also make an appointment by clicking on the button under the profile picture to the left (or just send me an email!).

When looking for resources in the library databases, here are some search tips (as this relates to the Cold War, you should include that phrase, or a related phrase, in your searches). You can start from these searches and find an image, OR find an image and then brainstorm some words. Examples below:

  • You can search broadly: images, imagery, iconography, representation, symbols
  • You can search by type: photographs, film or cinema, advertising, postcards, art
  • You can search by content: gender, race, class, food, technology, fashion, propaganda
  • You can search by country: United States, China, Soviet Union

Large sculpted head of statue sits alone in street

A disembodied statue of Joseph Stalin's head on the streets of Budapest during the Hungarian Revolution, 1956

What are some search words you might use for this image? Photograph; Stalin; Statue; Hungary; "Hungarian Revolution"; Communist Party; "Soviet Union"

  • Find an image.
  • Brainstorm keywords, themes, places, people, artists.
  • Use these to search in the databases; these studies will give your image context.
  • To find additional primary sources: consider what or who is being portrayed; the event depicted; and so on.
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