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Library Services for WSU Global Campus

The services on this guide apply to students enrolled through the WSU Global Campus

Introduction to Library Resources

WSU Global Campus students normally receive their library services from the Pullman campus Libraries.

Students have access to a full range of services, including over 3.5 million books, journals, documents, microforms, newspapers, indexes, and full-text databases available for research. Services available include online access to databases, reference assistance, borrowing WSU-owned books and other circulating materials, and photocopies of non-circulating materials.

Jen Saulnier Lange ( is the Online Learning Librarian and liaison to Global Campus

WSU Global Campus Library Services

Has someone already asked the same question you have? Check our How Do I...? Tutorials to see! Global Campus students can request assistance with research projects through our Ask A Librarian page, or by contacting the Online Learning Librarian, Jen Saulnier Lange at 

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us