To see what books (or other materials) that WSU Libraries holds in its collection on a particular subject area, you can select "Advanced Search" from the homepage, change "Any Field" to Subject, and try a few relevant phrases and words. Subject headings are applied by librarians to incoming material in order to facilitate browsing by subject (as opposed to keywords, which will search the entire text for that word, whether it is about that topic or not).
Here are a few examples:
You can retrieve more relevant results by adding additional subject headings or keywords in the advanced search screen. Here is an example:
Electronic books can be searched within Search It, the WSU Libraries' catalog. Using the Advanced Search page, enter your keywords, subject or author, and then change the Material Type pulldown to eBooks. OR--do the search and then select ebooks under the 'Type' category in the left column. Two library guides can help you with viewing and downloading ebooks in our system:
WSU Libraries arranges most of the books in its collection by Library of Congress call numbers. The major sections for Asian History are listed below. For a more specific breakdown of the call numbers see the Library of Congress Classification System online. Sometimes books relevant to Asian Studies may be housed in other sections (History, Economics, Gender Studies, etc.), so it is important to search beyond the main Asian Studies sections.