After logging in, follow this link to see a WRDS Demo.
The WRDS web site offers the documentation and description of databases available. Each database is accompanied by a general description, various components of the database, descriptions of variables, and documentation. Users may also access the database using the query forms. Users can search and download information using these pages by entering their own search criteria.
Additional resources are available from any WRDS web page by clicking on the "support" tab located at the top of your screen. You will find several listings including:
Harvard Business School. WRDS Help Sheets.
Currency Options: Historical Quotes.
Finding a Time Series of Stock Prices in CRSP.
Finding a Time Series of Financial Data in COMPUSTAT.
Insider Data from Thomson Reuters.
Institutional Holdings Data using Thomson Reuters.
Locating Historical S&P 500 Constituents. A WRDS user community, this website contains tutorials, code samples and forums geared towards using WRDS and SAS.