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Using VoiceThread @ WSU

About VoiceThread, Including How to Use It

***WSU has recently licensed an online service called VoiceThread  - a “creating, commenting, and sharing system” that allows a user to upload almost any kind of file (videos, documents, audio , etc). Once uploaded, the item is available for asynchronous comments and conversations (publicly or privately) through a number of multimodal ways. This is a great way to add an element of interactivity to videos (including still images), photographs, tutorials, etc. and provides an option for for assessment.

Note: WSU faculty who would like to create Groups: email and request a pro account so you can create them.

Fall 2024 Update: New/Newish Helpful WSU Libraries Resources and Services

JSTOR  - we have continuing access to ALL of JSTOR's journal content (including the Security Studies and Sustainability thematic collections)! This was originally set to end in June 2023, but has been extended as a permanent subscription. 

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us