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Bibliographic Management/Citation Managers Resources

This page provides links to bibliographic tool and management resources such as Zotero, EndNote, EndNote Web, and citation counting resources.

Bibliographic Software/Citation Managers Options

EndNote/EndNote Basic and Zotero are supported, but if you have questions about a different reference management tool (i.e. Mendeley or ReadCube), email Lorena at oenglish @ and she may be able to help you.

WSU Pullman people - use the links below.

WSU Vancouver people - take a look at (I don't know about EndNote, so for now use the EndNote link below

WSU Spokane people - Use the link below for Zotero classes; for Endnote Basic (and soon EndNote) email spok.lib AT

WSU Tri-Cities people, WSU Everett people, and WSU Extension people - use the links below

Scholarly Communication

The dissemination of research and information through the scholarly journal has in recent years become prohibitively expensive. Explore this site to learn more about the costs of Scholarly Communication and new alternatives.

scholarly communication vocabulary word cloud

Citation Analysis

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