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Information on using EndNote for the WSU community. Class schedules and other helpful information.

Create an EndNote Library

  1. Open EndNote
  2. Choose "Create a new EndNote library" (or click on File then New)
  3. Specify a location for your library on your computer and give your library a name
  4. EndNote creates two files:  .enl and .data:  it is important to keep these files together!

Web of Science

Google Scholar

While Google Scholar is a very popular and often useful way to research, it does not cleanly transfer elements such as author names, abstracts, and other citation components into EndNote.  Use with caution!

Go to the Google Scholar preferences page.  At the bottom of the page, you will find a section for "Bibliographic Manager."

Transferring from Other Databases

If there are databases you wish to use that are not listed on this page, consult the Help menu within EndNote for information on exporting data into EndNote.

  1. From the EndNote toolbar menu, click on the Help option.
  2. Select the option, “Contents."
  3. Look for the database in the "Direct Export Providers" list.  If you don't find it there, look at the "Output Formats with Corresponding Import Options" page.


EndNote will create two files with the file extensions .data and .enl:  it is important to keep these together.

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us