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Evidence-Based Practice Intro : Kinesiology / Movement Studies / Sports Medicine


Guide Outline

  1. Quick overview: Evidence-Based Practice
  2. Quick overview: Database search strategies
  3. Types of research and levels of research evidence
    1. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary databases
    2. Types of studies
    3. Narrative reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  4. PICO: a systematic approach to creating a clinical question to answer through review and application of existing research
  5. Research and literature resources including databases and online critical appraisal libraries that can be used for conducting clinically relevant searches (see below)
  6. Conclusion: How to conduct a literature search using a clinical question relevant to athletic training practice using search techniques and resources appropriate for a specific clinical question

Fall 2024 Update: New/Newish Helpful WSU Libraries Resources and Services

JSTOR  - we have continuing access to ALL of JSTOR's journal content (including the Security Studies and Sustainability thematic collections)! This was originally set to end in June 2023, but has been extended as a permanent subscription. 

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