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Census Information

Census of Ag--Overview

"The Census of Agriculture is the leading source of facts and figures about American agriculture. Conducted every five years, the Census provides a detailed picture of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. It is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every state and county in the United States."--About the Census of Agriculture

Additional Resources

  • Questions and answers about the Census of Agriculture  U.S. Department of Agriculture--what, why, when, and how
  • Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census (see entry: Census of Agriculture)/ Hol Ref HA 37.U55 C66 2000
  • History and Growth of the U.S. Census 1790-1890/ Hol HA 205.W7
  • 1992 census of agriculture. Volume 2, Subject series. pt. 4 History/ Hol Doc C 3.31/12:992/V.2/PT.1- pt. 4
  • Guide to the 1992 census of agriculture and related statistics/ Hol Ref Doc C 3.6/2:AG 8/2/992

Online Census of Agriculture

Census of Agriculture home page & information about the 2012 census

2007          2002        1997        1992       1840-current       

Census of Agriculture--History

The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), U.S. Department of Agriculture, assumed responsibility for the agriculture census with the 1997 census, the 25th Census of Agriculture. Prior to that date it was conducted by the Census Bureau and had been taken every 10 years from 1840 to 1920 and every 5 years from 1925 to 1974. After 4-year censuses in 1978 and 1982 it was adjusted to those years ending with 2 and 7.

Paper Copy at WSU Libraries


  • 2002 census of agriculture. Volume 1, Geographic area series. Part 47, Washington, state and county data/ Holland & Terrell Reference U.S.Gov-Docs A 92.53/47:AC-02-A-47. All other 2002 publications can be accessed on the 2002 Census of Agriculture web page.


  • Volume 1, Geographic area series. State and county data in 50 parts; United States summary and state data, Part 51/ Hol Doc A 92.53/pt.:AC 97-A-pt.
  • Volume 2, Subject series: pt. [2]. Ranking of states and counties / Hol Doc A 92.54:997/V.2/pt. 2  

Use electronic copy for v. 2 pt. 1 Agricultural atlas of the United States, and v. 3 Special studies: pt. 1. Farm and ranch irrigation survey (1998) -- pt. 2. Census of horticultural specialties (1988) -- pt. 3. Census of aquaculture (1998) -- pt. 4. Agricultural economics and land ownership survey (1999)


  • Volume 1, Geographic area series, state and county data in 50 parts; Part 47 Washington State, Part 51 United States summary and state data/ Hol Doc C 3.31/4:992/v.1pt.
  • Volume 2, Subject series: pt. 1. Agricultural atlas of the United States, pt. 2. Coverage evaluation, pt. 3. Ranking of states and counties, pt. 4. History / Hol Doc C 3.31/12:992/v.2/pt.
  • Volume 3, Related surveys: pt. 1. Farm and ranch irrigation survey (1994) / Hol Doc C 3.31/12:992/v.3/pt.1


  • Volume 1, Geographic area series, state and county data in 50 parts; Part 51, United States summary and state data / Hol Doc C 3.31/4:987/v.1/pt.
  • Volume 2, Subject series: pt. [1]. Agricultural atlas of the United States -- pt. [3]. Ranking states and counties - pt. [4]. History -- pt. 5. Government payments and market value of agricultural products sold -- pt. 6. ZIP code tabulations of selected items. / Hol Doc C 3.31/12:987/v.2/pt.
  • Volume 3, Special studies: pt. 1. Farm and ranch irrigation survey -- pt. 2. Census of horticultural specialties / Hol Doc C 3.31/12:987/v.3/pt.



  • Volume 1, Geographic area series. State and county data in 53 parts; Part 51, United States summary/ Hol Doc C 3.31/4:1982/v. 1
  • Volume 2, Subject series: pt. 1 Agricultural atlas of the United States -- pt. 3. Ranking of states and counties -- pt. 4 History/ Hol Doc C 3.31/12:1982/v. 2


Census Year WSU Document Call Number Title
1978 C 3.31/4:1978/v. 1
C 3.31/12:1978/v. 3
C 3.31/12:1978/v. 4
C 3.31/5:1978/v. 5
State and County Data
U.S. Summary
Agricultural Services
Special Reports
1974 C 3.31/4:1974/v. 1
C 3.31/9:1974/v. 2
C 3.31/12:1974/v. 3
C 3.31/5:1974/v. 4
State and County Data
Statistics by Subject
Agricultural Services
Special Reports
1969 C 3.31/4:1969/v. 1
C 3.31/9:1969/v. 2
C 3.31/12:1969/v. 3
C 3.31/12:1969/v. 4
C 3.31/5:1969/v. 5
C 3.31/12:1969/v. 6
Area Reports
General Reports: United States Summary
Agriculture Services
Special Reports
1964 C 3.31/4:1964/v. 1
C 3.31/9:1964/v. 2
State and County Statistics
General Report
1959 C 3.31/4:1959/v. 1
C 3.31/9:1959/v. 2
C 3.31/12:1959/v. 3
C 3.31/12:1959/v. 4
C 3.31/5:1959/v. 5
Reports by States or Areas
General Report; Statistics by Subject
Irrigation of Agricultural Lands
Special Reports
1954 C 3.31/4:954/v. 1
C 3.31/4:954/v. 2
C 3.31/4:954/v. 3
Counties and State Economic Areas
Statistics Subjects
Special Reports
1953 Sample Survey C 3.31/6:F22
C 3.31/6:F22/2
1950 C 3.950-9/v. 1
C 3.950-9/v. 2
C 3.950-9/v. 3
C 3.950-9/v. 4
C 3.950-9/v. 5
Counties and State Economic Areas
General Report. Statistics by Subject
Irrigation of Agricultural Lands
Drainage of Agricultural Lands
Special Reports
1945 C 3.31/1:1945/v. 1
C 3.31/1:1945/v. 2
C 3.31/5:1945/v. 3
Statistics for Counties
General Reports. Statistics by Subjects
Special Reports
1940 C 3.940-5:Ag8/v. 1
C 3.940-5:Ag8/v. 2
C 3.940-5:Ag8/v. 3
C 3.940-5:Ag8/v. 5
C 3.940-5:D78
C 3.940-5:Ir7
Statistics for Counties
Acreage, a Special Study
Agriculture in Alaska and Hawaii
Value of Farm Products
Drainage of Agricultural Lands
1935 C 3.31/1:1935/v. 1-2
C 3.31/1:1935/v. 3
C 3.31/4:1935/v. 3
Statistics by Counties
Statistics by Subjects
Miscellaneous Reports
1930 C 3.37/5:Ag8/v.1-4
C 3.37/5:D78
C 3.37/5:Ir7
C 3.37/15:
Miscellaneous Reports
1925 C 3.31/1:1925/pt. 1
C 3.31/1:1925/pt. 2
C 3.31/1:1925/pt. 3
Northern States
Southern States
Western States


Agriculture census information was gathered and published with the decennial census for these years.

Census Year WSU Document Call Number Volume Comments
1920 C 3.28/5 v. 5
v. 6/pt. 1-3
v. 7
General Report and Analytical Tables
Reports for States with Statistics for Counties
Irrigation and Drainage
1910 C 3.16 v. 5
v. 6-7
General Report and Analysis
Reports by States, with Statistics for Counties
1900 I 13.5 v. 5-6 Agriculture
1890 I 12.5 v. 1 Report. Statistics of Agriculture
1880 I 11.5 v. 3 Report. Productions of Agriculture
1870 I 10.5 v. 3 Included with other census data
1860 I 9.5 no. 2 Agriculture
1850 I 8.5 no. 1 Included with other census data
1840 I 7.5 no. 1 Included with other census data

Subject Guide

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Lorena O'English
Terrell Library 120-D
Washington State University

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