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Getting Connected: Graduate Students and the WSU Libraries

Information Literacy and You

You can also just contact your department's librarian for help with any of these.


Pullman - 

 We strongly suggest that any class readings be made available through the Libraries’ EReserves system, Leganto (it's BlackBoard and Canvas-compatible) instead of uploading PDFs directly in your courseware so that we have usage statistics (this is important if we have to cancel things to save money).

Streaming Media

Most of our streaming media comes from Kanopy.  Links to the purchase form (faculty and instructors only) and information about streaming media can be found in the guide below. 

Note: Kanopy videos come with full public performance rights.

In 2020 we added Academic Video Online (AVON) as an additional resource for streaming video. They also come with full public performance rights and are not subject to the access limitations of Kanopy - however, this is a subscription product (via Summit) and we may not have access forever. But for a long time, we're pretty sure!

WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us