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Criminal Justice and Criminology

Interlibrary Loan

interlibrary loan button

Some resources you find in Search It or article databases such as Criminal Justice Abstracts will require an interlibrary loan because they are not availible in electronic form, or not available at all at the WSU Libraries. When you click on a link that takes you to an ILL login page, log in to request books or media items that are not available locally or from Summit libraries. You can also login to directly to ILLiad to request articles or for copies of non-circulating reference material.

Use the ILLiad request forms for books or media items you require that are not available through the WSU Libraries' Search It catalog, which includes integrated content from the 36 other academic libraries that share book borrowing through the Summit system. If a book is not available at the WSU Libraries, you will see a link to order it if it is available through a partner Summit library (it will take about 5-10 days to get to you, usually).

Use ILLiad to request electronic copies of articles (whether they are available at the WSU Pullman campus (print or electronic) , or not), or for copies of page-ranges of non-circulating reference material (there is no charge for this service).

Digital copies of articles will be posted to the Web for your retrieval. Loaned items (like books or videos) will be delivered to your mailing address.

If you have any questions or problems using the request forms, please contact us at, 509.335.9672 (voice), or 509.335.0934 (fax).

What About eBooks?

eBooks are a good resource for distance and Pullman students, but they can vary. Some books in the Libraries catalog are downloadable PDF or HTML books freely available online (often published by a government agency). The Libraries also has access to many scholarly monographs from particular vendors (EBL, ebrary, EBSCO, Springer, ScienceDirect, and more). The following applies specifically to ebooks from EBL, ebrary, and EBSCO:

  • you can read them entirely online (or in certain cases download them for some days and read them on a desktop/laptop, tablet, smartphone, or certain ereaders)
  • You can print out page ranges and/or chapters (usually as PDFs) that are yours to keep
  • You can copy and paste selections
  • you can annotate the book as you read it
  •  You can read them straight through, by chapter, or search the entire full text of the book for a particular term or phrase
WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us