Collection Development Policy | School of the Environment | Owen Science & Engineering Library
The Owen library contains many resources for students and faculty interested in Geology. If you have any questions not answered on the WSU Libraries website or would like to request a book or journal on any subject related to Geology, please contact Betty Galbraith. For questions concerning the Geology program, please visit the School of the Environment home page.
Find a Book or Compilation:
- Find a book here at the WSU libraries.
- Borrow a book from anywhere in the world using Interlibrary Loan
- Request that we buy a book for the WSU library (don't forget your WSU contact info!).
- Come by and browse the shelves! Here are the call numbers where you can find most geological science topics on the 5th floor of the Owen Science and Engineering Library. Look for QE.
Find an Article or Conference Presentation:
- For known items, look for the journal title in our Library Catalog to see if we own the issue that you need.
- If you need to find articles on a subject, but don't know where to begin, there are a large number of places to search. WSU pays for some resources to help:
- Go to the WSU Libraries' databases of Geology journal articles
- To search within any one of these databases, click on the name and it'll take you to that database.
- When you find an article, watch for the
- Click on this button and the computer will open a new window where you can see if we have an article electronically, check the catalog for it, or borrow it from another library.
Find an Open Access Scholarly Journal Article:
Find a Dissertation:
Find a Standard:
Find a Protocol:
Find a Patent:
Find a Technical Report:
- Think U.S. Government documents:
- NTIS: the National Technical Information Service
- SciTech Connect
- OSTI Searches science, including R&D results, project descriptions, and more, via resources made available by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), U.S. Department of Energy.
- U.S. government's official web portal
- Or even Technical reports, journal citations, databases, Federal web sites from 14 scientific and technical information organizations
Find an Institutional Repository:
Gathering Statistical Resources:
- Follow these links to find information compiled by Lorena O'English on gathering statistical data:
Indexes, Abstracts, and Other Databases:
- GeoRef: GeoRef is a comprehensive geoscience database covering such areas as mineralogy and crystallography.
- Soil Surveys, USDA: A subject gateway to soil surveys, soil geography, major land resource areas (MLRA) and ecological regions (CER), and a soil geochemistry spatial database
- WorldCat: A catalog of library holdings of member libraries found worldwide
Internet Links:
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