Search It is a good place to start exploring your options for books and journal articles. This "discovery system" pulls resources from numerous databases and puts it into one place (like a search engine). To find articles, other good databases for this course are Project Muse and MLA International Bibliography. Both are subject-specific databases that have numerous literary-related articles.
To use Search It, type in your keywords. If you want articles, select Peer-Reviewed under Availability and Articles under Type. You'll then either click on Download Article, or click on the title and scroll down to Access Options, and click on the database link. Make sure you are logged into Search It. You will then see a green link that says Full Text Available. Click on this to get the full article. For books, same thing: Select books and/or eBooks under Type.
When searching for books and articles on your topic, use any combination of the play's name; the author; the main characters; or the themes. Here are a couple of examples in Search It! You can try the same searches in the below databases to see how your results differ. You can try the same searches for both books or articles, just select the type of resource you want on the left side under Type.
Sometimes Search It can be overwhelming - too many results to sift through! To find more targeted search results for peer-reviewed articles, use a subject-specific database to get results that are concentrated in literary studies.
Print books can be obtained several ways: by coming into the library, requesting a contactless locker pick-up, or having a book mailed to you. For information on all of these options, please click on the "How Do I" link below.
Many eBooks in our collection can be accessed online from anywhere, using your WSU NetID and password. Some of these books have unlimited licenses, meaning that they may be viewed and checked out by any number of users, and some are more restricted. To read a full book offline, you must download certain software that allows you to "check it out" for a certain period of time. However, you may read the full book online without technically checking it out. In some cases, you can download a chapter or a certain percentage of the book as a PDF to keep forever. See the links below for information.
If we do not have access to a book or article, we can order it from another library for free! Please see the instructions for ordering via Summit (books) and Interlibrary Loan (books, articles, and more) in the How Do I link below, or contact me (Erin Hvizdak) with questions.