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LibGuide Design: Best Practices and Guidelines

This guide is designed to provide guidance on making LibGuides more useful, accessible, and relevant to users through best practices that incorporate usability and web design.

Reusable Content

This page includes a selection of content that you can copy or link to in your own LibGuides. If you would like to see something here that isn't, please contact Erica.

Browzine/Third Iron

Browzine provides a useful widget you can use to highlight online journal content in your subject areas. Here's an example of the widget Suzanne Fricke created to highlight medicine journals:

You can see more examples of this widget, tailored to other subject areas, on the following research guides:

Below you will find information on how to tailor the widget code for your guide. There are also a step-by-step instructions available:

Here is code for a Browzine widget you can use to highlight available journals for your subject areas:

<div id='browzineWidget'></div><script>(function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id))return;js = d.createElement(s); = id;js.src = '//!%20BrowZine%20is%20a%20browsable%20newsstand%20of%20the%20library%E2%80%99s%20top%20journals.%20Easily%20discover%2C%20read%2C%20and%20monitor%20the%20key%20journals%20in%20your%20field.&numJournals=10&libid=134&categories=[62]&titleColor=FFFFFF&titleBG=7C001C&downloadLink=&videoLink=';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script','browzine-widget'));</script><div style="clear:both;"></div>

The green highlights mark the pieces of code you can customize to tailor the widget to your areas.

To customize your widget:

  • Go to the Browzine Website and look for the subject area you want to highlight
  • After you click on the subject you want to use, look at the URL and locate the number that comes after the /subjects/ part of the URL. For example, here is the URL for Browzin's Business and Economics publications:
  • Copy the number and past it into the brackets that follow 134&categories= in the widget code (highlighted in the code above)
  • Remember to change the text of the widget that is found in the Explore%20subject-of-your-choice%20 part of the widget (highlighted in the code above)to reflect the subject area you're highlighting, 

There is also a way to highlight a more narrow subject in the widget:

  • As before, find the area you want to highlight on the Browzine website. As an example, here is the Browzine URL for Communication and Journalism, which is part of the larger Social Science and Behavioral Sciences subject:
  • To tailor the widget, you need the Browzine subject number (in this case 67) and the bookcases number (in this case 159)
  • Copy the number and past it into the brackets that follow 134&categories= in the widget code (highlighted in the code above), te same way you would for a bigger subject. Then add a comma and the bookcases number. In the example, this part of the widget code would look like this: Journals=10&libid=134&categories=[67, 159]

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Gifts and Donations

WSU Research Exchange (Institutional Repository)

The WSU Research Exchange  is Washington State University's  Open Access Institutional Repository (IR). WSU Research Exchange collects and maintains intellectual writings such as published journal articles (pre- and post- print), conference papers and proceedings, creative research, data sets, reports, theses and dissertations, and other scholarly endeavors by Washington State University faculty and provides free open access to anyone in the world.

Benefits include:

  • increased exposure through search engines such as Google/ Google Scholar
  • durable links to your research
  • preservation of digital scholarship
  • options for copyright licensing
  • the ability to control your own research materials

For more information, please contact Talea Anderson


Search Boxes

Basic Search It search box:


JSTOR Search Box

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Need help? See the "How to Search JSTOR" guide.

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