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Anthropology & Archaeology


Films Online!

Looking for films? The WSU Libraries offer streaming video resources that you may find useful.

What I Can Do for You

Did you know you had your own librarian? You do! I (Erica Nicol) am happy to help you with your anthropology and archaeology research. Below are some of the things that I can do to help you with your work.

For students, I can:

  • Recommend the best anthropology and social sciences databases to search for your research topic
  • Answer your questions via email, phone or in-person
  • Meet with you individually or in groups to hash out your topic or discuss anthropology and archaeology research strategies
  • Tell you about library services

For faculty, I can:

  • Track down tricky citations
  • Introduce your students to research tools and strategies via a library instruction class or workshop
  • Create a webpage tailored to your class 
  • Discuss ways to best incorporate research skills and library materials into your class assignments
  • Meet with your students individually or in groups
  • Purchase books, films, and other material needed for your research and teaching
  • Tell you and/or your department about new library services
  • Communicate your department's concerns and information needs on to others in the Libraries
WSU Libraries, PO Box 645610, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5610, 509-335-9671, Contact Us