CougsVote is an ongoing democratic engagement campaign to help WSU students register to vote, stay aware of upcoming voter deadlines, and become more informed and involved with issues they're passionate about. More information is available at
See the bottom of this page for CougsVote stickers and gifs and other "I Voted" digital stickers!
This guide provides links to official, non-partisan, and partisan/issue-based resources that may be helpful as you review your Election 2022 ballot. Most resources cover Washington State; many may also provide information about elections in other states.
It's not a comprehensive list, so if you have suggestions for voter guides (partisan or nonpartisan!) to include, please send them my way (oenglish @
About CougsVote: Student passion and creativity driving democratic engagement
Daily Evergreen articles related to WSU voter engagement:
Get your own GIF stickers at Giphy - just click the GIFs above to get the links (note: I reduced the size of these by half)